Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Montefiore, D. B., From a Victorian to a modern(E. Archer, 1927).
Pankhurst, A., Put up the sword(Melbourne, Cecilia John, 1917, third edition).
Pankhurst, C., Broken windows, Votes for Women, 1 December 1911.
—— The great scourge and how to end it(E. Pankhurst, Lincoln’s Inn, 1913).
—— Plain facts about a great evil(New York, The Medical Review of Reviews, 1913).
—— The war: a speech delivered at the London Opera House on September 8th, 1914(The
Women’s Social and Political Union, n.d.).
Pankhurst, E., The present position of the women’s suffrage movement, in The case for
women’s suffrage, ed. B. Villiers (T. Fisher Unwin, 1907).
—— March on! Votes for Women, 31 December 1908.
—— The importance of the vote(The Woman’s Press, n.d., 1908).
—— The fiery cross, Votes for Women, 1 October 1909.
—— March, breast forward! Votes for Women,2 July 1909.
—— The argument of the broken pane, Votes for Women, 23 February 1912.
—— Why we are militant, a speech delivered in New York, October 21st, 1913(The Woman’s
Press, pamphlet, n.d.).
—— My own story(Eveleigh Nash, 1914).
—— The defeat of the Women’s Bill, Labour Leader, 19 May 1905.
Pankhurst, E. Sylvia, The suffragette: the history of the women’s militant suffrage movement
1905–1910(New York, Sturgis & Walton Co., 1911).
—— Women’s fight for the vote, Weekly Dispatch, 1 November 1908.
Pethick Lawrence, Mrs., Inciting to violence, Votes for Women, 23 February 1912.
Phillips, M., Woman’s point of view, Forward, 23 November 1907.
[Robins, E.], Anonymous, Ancilla’s share: an indictment of sex antagonism(Hutchinson & Co.,
Sharp, E., Hertha Ayrton 1854–1923(Edward Arnold & Co., 1926).
Speeches from the dock, Votes for Women, 29 October 1908.
Stopes, M. Carmichael, Wise parenthood: the treatise on birth control for married people(Putnam’s
Sons, 1918).
—— Married Love: a new contribution to the solution of sexual difficulties(Putnam’s Sons, 1918).
Strachey, R., ‘The cause’: a short history of the women’s movement in Great Britain(G. Bell and
Sons, 1928).
T. W. G., In Bohemia, citizen Pankhurst, Manchester City News, 12 April 1913.
The treatment of the women’s deputation by the Metropolitan Police. Copy of evidence collected by
Dr. Jessie Murray and Mr. H. N. Brailsford and forwarded to the Home Office by the Concilia-
tion Committee for Women Suffrage, in support of its demand for a public enquiry(The
Woman’s Press, 1911).
Votes for women at twenty-one: extracts from a speech by the Prime Minister at the Albert Hall,
London, May 27, 1927(McCorquodale & Co., 1927).
War till victory, Mrs. Pankhurst on the danger at home,Liverpool Courier, 7 February 1918.

Published after 1928

Place of publication is London unless otherwise stated

Accampo, E. A., Private life, public image: motherhood and militancy in the self-construction
of Nelly Roussel, 1900–1922, in The new biography: performing femininity in nineteenth-
century France, ed. M. Burr Margadant (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California
Press, 2000).
Alberti, A., Beyond suffrage: feminists in war and peace, 1914–28(Basingstoke, Macmillan,
Alberti, J., ‘A symbol and a key’: the suffrage movement in Britain, 1918–1928, in Votes for
women, eds J. Purvis and S. S. Holton (London and New York, Routledge, 2000).
Allen, M. S., Lady in blue(Stanley Paul & Co., 1936).

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