Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Aberdeen 84, 90, 94, 124
abolitionism 10, 28, 31
Abrahams, Dr. 350
Acklom, Elfreda 353
Actresses’ Franchise League 128, 147, 158,
Addams, Jane 171
adopted children plate, 279–80, 321, 323–5,
adult suffrage: seesuffrage
Adventism 314–15, 344
Albert Hall meetings: Conciliation Bill 149;
Second Conciliation Bill 159, 183;
socialism and trade unions rally 237–8;
suffrage victory 307; WSPU 200–3, 217
Aldwych Skating Rink 159
Aldwych Theatre 126–7
Alice, Princess 317
All Russian Women’s Union 295
Allan, Janie 111, 254
Allen, Mary 341
Allies, World War I 292, 293–4
Amalgamated Society of Engineers 308
America: seeUSA
American National Association to Oppose
Woman Suffrage 318
American Society for Combating Venereal
Disease 326
Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett 128, 150, 181
Anderson, Louisa Garrett 179, 180, 251
anti-government policy 206
Anti-Suffrage Review 156
anti-suffragists 107, 178, 276–7, 318–19
Antrim, Lady 166
Archdale, Helen: imprisonment 177;
Pankhurst, Adela 167, 169, 191–2, 213,
225–6, 232–3, 248, 257, 305
arson attempts 190, 193, 194, 209, 216

arson campaign 220–1, 242, 253
Asquith, H. H.: Birmingham speech 133;
Cat and Mouse Act 227; Conciliation
Bill 148, 151; Conciliation Committee
for Women’s Suffrage 167, 168; criticisms
189, 275, 281–2; deputations 3, 122, 130,
131, 150–1, 173, 227, 262, 263;
dissolution of parliament 150; Fawcett
286; Hardie 150–1; Lansbury 189; Leigh
133–4; Lytton 164; Manhood Suffrage
Bill 172, 173–4, 207, 208; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 83–4, 272, 286–7; Pankhurst,
Sylvia 262, 263; Prime Minister 107, 157;
Reform Bill 107; resignation 288; Second
Conciliation Bill 176; suffrage 286–7;
Ulster 252–3; War Minister 256;
Women’s Enfranchisement Bill 113,
146–7; women’s suffrage 162, 164, 166–7,
273, 286–7; WSPU 108, 193
assassination plot 289
Astor, Nancy 320, 321; House of Lords 349;
Pan American Conference of Women
332; Pankhurst, Emmeline 280, 340, 351;
war babies 279; women’s wartime work
274, 276
Australia: conscription 287; Goldstein 159;
Hughes 287; Hyde Park demonstration
147; Pankhurst, Adela 248–9, 257, 266;
Women’s Political Association 270;
women’s suffrage 72, 307
Ayrton, Hertha 124, 150, 180, 218, 227, 251
Ayrton, Phyllis 304, 314

Bach, Ada Goulden 337, 339–40, 347, 353
Badley, Mrs. 261
Bailey, Sir William 63
Baines, Jenny 100–1


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