Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Bull, Sir William 346
Bullard, F. L. 139
Burns, John 26, 106
Burns, Lucy 133
Burns, Robert 265
Burrows, Herbert 26, 36, 37
Burton, Antoinette 269
Busk, Edward 228
Butler, George 31
Butler, Josephine 31
Butler, R. 6, 273
by-election campaigning 99, 143, 194; Bow
and Bromley 207; Cheltenham 161;
Colne Valley 96; Hexham 92;
Huddersfield 89; Jarrow 96; Newcastle
110; Newton Abbot 101–2; Peckham Rye
105, 107; Pudsey 110; Scotland 123–4;
South Shields 149; Wales 110;
Walthamstow 149; Wellington 167;
Westbury 158; Wiltshire 158

Caine, B. 268
California 332
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry 77, 81, 83,
Canada 309, 331–2, 334, 335;
commemoration 355; immigrants 320;
Imperial Suffrage Movement 195;
industrial unrest 319–20; lecture tours
139, 169, 285, 311, 319, 326–7, 328–9;
press 175, 237; Public Health Association
334; Votes for Women174; women’s
suffrage 288–9, 307; WSPU 177
Canadian National Council for Combating
Venereal Diseases 322–3, 326–7, 330,
Canadian Social Hygiene Council 333
capitalism 303, 313
Cardiff meeting 210
Carlyle, Thomas 10
Carnegie Hall 237
Carson, Sir Edward 226, 252–3, 265, 275
Castlereagh, Lord 151
Cat and Mouse Act 217–18, 262; Asquith
227; clergymen 229; Hardie 228;
International Medical Congress 229–30;
Kenney, Annie 226, 257; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 215, 221, 222–3, 240, 242–3,
251–2, 259–60, 266, 357; Pankhurst,
Sylvia 226, 228, 246
Catt, Carrie Chapman 138
Caxton Hall meetings 79, 88, 90–1, 151

Cecil, Lord Robert 131
Census boycott 159
Central National Society for Women’s
Suffrage 29
Champion, Harold 6
Chapman, Rev. Hugh 183
charity 45, 55
Chaykovsky, Nikolay Vasilyevich 292
checkweighing bill 80
Cheltenham by-election 161
Chicago 236, 237
child prostitution 201, 215
children, socialisation 369n18
Chorlton Board of Guardians 42–3, 49
Chorlton Workhouse 44–5, 53
Christabel Pankhurst’s Day 120
Christmas 101, 243, 244
Christmas Presents Sale 206
Church League for Women Suffrage 192–3
Churchill, Winston 84, 150, 152
Cincinnati 174
citizenship rights 322, 379n49; Glasgow 290;
Liberal Party 135; Ulster Unionists 226;
women 102, 106, 268, 311–12; Women’s
Party 305; see alsowomen’s suffrage
The Clarion49, 54, 148, 223, 226
Clarke, Mary (née Goulden): arrested 109,
122–3, 151; death 153–4; Gladstone 124;
Pankhurst, Adela 155; Pankhurst, Harry
137; Registrar 82–3, 92; WSPU 81, 92
class: co-operation 303, 319; gender divisions
368–9n11; legislation 36–7; politics 69;
prison treatment 140, 176; solidarity 310,
311, 312; women’s movements 98,
class struggle 140, 291, 318, 340
Clayton, Edwy 219
clergymen’s protests 229, 240
Cleveland 236
coal miners 130, 341
Coalition 275, 313
Cobb, Rev. W. F. Geikie 353
Cobden, Richard 88
Cobden-Sanderson, Annie 88, 89, 93, 94,
150, 155
Cobden-Sanderson, Mr. 88
Cobden-Unwin, Mrs. 88
Cockermouth campaign 86, 87, 93
Coigncottage 158, 162–3, 178–9, 183, 207,
211, 220
Coleman, V. 48
Coleridge, Judge 187

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