Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Coleridge Taylor family 337, 350
Collegiate Equal Suffrage League, USA 139
Colne Valley by-election 96
Committee for the Relief of the Unemployed
Committee on Local Government 40
The Common Cause 304
communism 325, 331, 334, 343–4, 362
Comstock, Anthony 237
Conciliation Bill 148, 149, 151
Conciliation Committee for Women’s
Suffrage 168–9; Asquith 167, 168;
Brailsford 143, 144; Pankhurst,
Christabel 152–3; police brutality
392n103; private members’ ballot 157;
Women’s Enranchisement Bill 144, 146
Connolly, James 237
Conolan, Gertrude 124
conscription 268, 270, 286, 287
Conservative candidacy 2, 340, 341–2
Conservative Party 144, 343, 346, 347–8,
Cook, Lady 88, 89
Cookson, Mrs. 335–6
Cooper, Selina Jane 70, 83
Corbett, Mrs. 266
Corio, Silvio Erasmus 339, 348
Corn Laws 9, 88
Coronation Procession 165
Council of Nation Defense 310
Cousins, Gretta 149
coverture doctrine 32
Cowman, K. 111, 366n32, 379n49
Craggs, Helen 142, 190
Craigie, Jill 3
Crane, Walter 57
Crawford, E. 70, 259, 265, 378n10
Crawfurd, Helen 111, 293
Crocker, Nellie 124
Cromer, Lord 276
Crowe, Sir Eyre 281
Crystal Palace 164
Cunard, Lady 273
Curtis Bennett, Henry 113–14, 117
Curzon, Lord 304–5
Cymric Suffrage Society 192–3
Czar of Russia 296, 299

Daily Chronicle108, 310
Daily Express156, 304
Daily Herald202, 205, 212, 237, 238, 246,

Daily HeraldLeague 230, 238
Daily Mail 79
Daily Mirror1, 88
Daily News134, 135, 310, 316, 340
Daily News and Leader 282
Daily Telegraph 277
Dangerfield, George 3–4, 359
Davison, Emily Wilding 170, 175–6, 222–3
Davison, J. E. 313–14
Dayton, Ohio 236
Defence of the Realm Act 284
Denmark 307
deputations: Asquith 3, 122, 130, 131,
150–1, 173, 227, 262, 263; Lloyd George
289–90; Pankhurst, Christabel 172;
petition rights 129–30; Tumultuous
Petitions Act 102–3; women’s suffrage
124, 208–9, 257–8, 289–90; WSPU 87–8,
Derby Day 222
Despard, Charlotte: Albert Hall rally 237;
arrested 91; Equal Franchise
Demonstration 343; Free Speech Defence
Committee 230; Pankhurst, Emmeline
361; Women’s Freedom League 97, 125;
WSPU 85, 93, 96, 97
Dickinson, W. H. 91, 92
Dilke, Lady 31
Dilke, Sir Charles 31, 32, 40, 55
Disley 39
divorce 32, 106
Dixon, W. H. 54, 61
Dodd, Kathryn 2, 355–6
Dodge, Mary 157–8
Dorr, Rheta Childe 7, 234, 237, 240, 297,
318, 339, 409n17
Dove-Willcox, Lillian 254
Dr. Pankhurst Fund 54, 58–9, 60–4
Drake, Charlotte 359
Drew, Sidney 219
drum and fife band 128, 129, 147
Drummond, Flora 103, 107, 117, 147, 164–5,
218; arrested 81, 113–14, 219; Empress
Theatre 240; Pankhurst, Emmeline 256,
353; press enquiries 339; Scotland 110,
124; statue 357; Women’s Guild of
Empire 340, 341; Women’s Party 304;
WSPU 81, 112, 208–9, 254, 271, 281
Dublin 193
Dubois, E. C. 138, 140
Dufaux, Frederic 14, 83
Dufaux, Noémie 14, 29, 59–60, 193

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