Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Dugdale, Una plate,119, 143, 148–9, 154,
168, 186, 286
Dunlop, Marion Wallace 129, 131, 350, 353
Duval, Elsie 280
Duval, Victor 170
Dyhouse, Carol 10–11

East London Federation of the Suffragettes:
Ede, Dr. Frances 240, 241
Edinburgh 137
Edmonton 355
Edmonton Women’s Institute 326
education: adopted children 324–5, 329–30;
Blatch 41; gender differences 11, 15–16,
64; Imperial Order 322; Pankhurst
children 36
Edward III 226
Edward VII 146
Egerton, Lady 294
ELFS/WSPU: Pankhurst, Christabel 246–8;
Pankhurst, Sylvia 2, 211, 262, 270;
People’s Army 238; renamed Workers’
Suffrage Federation 285
Elmy, Ben 17, 37
Elmy, Elizabeth Wolstenholme 12, 17, 18,
20, 70, 307; Boggart Hole Clough 84–5;
Pankhurst, Emmeline 98; processions
107, 164–5; public testimonial 148;
Rollit’s bill 37; Women’s Emancipation
Union 36; Women’s Enfranchisement
Bill 72, 73; Women’s Franchise League
31, 33
Emerson, Zelie 5, 204, 212
Emerson’s shop: seeshop (Emerson’s)
Empire: seeimperialism
Empress Theatre 237, 240
enfranchisement: seesuffrage
Equal Franchise Demonstration 343
Equal Franchise Society 285
Equality League 136, 138
Evans, Dorothy 253
Evans, Gladys 193, 398n9
Evans, Richard 308
Evans, Samuel 82
Evening News 340
Evening Standard 342

Fabian Society 33, 57, 147
Fawcett, Millicent Garrett 72; Asquith 286;
Lady Balfour 130; Brailsford 177; Elmy
17; Equal Franchise Demonstration 343;

International Woman Suffrage Alliance
127; Manhood Suffrage Bill 207; men co-
workers 5, 301; National Society for
Women’s Suffrage 29; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 289–90; peaceful protest 66,
181, 274, 356; on suffragettes 88, 194; see
alsoNational Union of Women’s Suffrage
femininity 10–11, 107, 116, 139, 269, 271
feminisms 360–1, 362–3, 364n1; imperial
338; liberal 365n30; militarism 268;
nationalism 268; pacifism 316–17;
patriotic 268–9, 271, 308, 311–12,
406n21; radical 6, 365n30; Second Wave
Feminism 5, 7, 365n30; Six Point Group
338; socialism 2, 5, 140, 203, 205, 303,
316–17, 364n8, 365n30; working class
203–4, 211
Fenton, W. Hugh 135
Fenwick Miller, Florence 88
Fenwick Miller, Irene 81
Festival of Empire 164
Field, Frank 77
Fife, East 256
Finland 307
fire alarms 203
Fitzgerald, Hon. Edith 266
Flatman, Ada 124, 147, 158, 161, 167
forcible feeding 134, 135, 136, 140, 229–30,
240, 264–5; see alsohunger strikers
Ford, Isabella 65, 69, 70, 72, 79, 82, 93
Forsyth, William 20
Forward 345
Fox, Norah Dacre 271, 281
France 12–13, 28–9, 193, 309, 311
franchise reform 221, 286, 287, 289; see also
suffrage; women’s suffrage
Franklin, Hugh 280
Fraser, Helen 93, 109, 124, 194, 310
Fraserburgh 168
free speech 26, 48, 230
Free Speech Defence Committee 230
Free Trade Hall, Manchester 143–4

Garibaldi, Giuseppe 76
Garner, L. 111, 303
Garrison, Eleanor 171–2, 235, 264, 284, 315
Garrison, William Lloyd 28, 31
Garrud, Edith 128
Gaskell, Elinor Penn 283
Gawthorpe, Mary plate, 100, 101;
Independent Labour Party 77; Women’s

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