Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Labour League 86; WSPU 97, 102, 110,
Gay, Louisa 208
gender differences 6; class 368n11;
education 11, 15–16, 58, 64; militancy
191, 235, 254, 266; politics 69; suffrage
11–12, 69–70, 290; wage levels 57–8,
273–4, 278, 306, 308–9;see alsosex
general elections 57, 74, 77
General Strike 340, 341
Geneva 51–2, 54, 59–60
George V 257–8
Germany 13, 60; socialism 293; women’s
status 271, 275; World War I 267, 269
Gibraltar cruise 347
Gibson, Robert 55
Gilbert, S. M. 281
Gladstone, Herbert: Clarke 124; hunger
strikers 132; petition 117; political
prisoner status 88; Scott 123; subpoenaed
114–15; women’s suffrage 104
Gladstone, William Ewart 22, 42, 115
Glasgow 87, 124, 132, 253–4, 290
Glasgow Forward 226
Glasier, Bruce 42, 47, 53, 54, 57, 66, 132
Glasier, Katherine 42, 53, 66
Gloucestershire WSPU 158
Goldstein, Vida 159, 164, 248, 249, 305
golf courses 209
Gollancz, Ruth 222
Good Housekeeping 234
Gordon, Flora Mary plate; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 279, 324, 330, 334, 337;
Pankhurst, Sylvia 339; Pine 323, 335; re-
adopted 350, 351
Gordon, Frances 264
Gore-Booth, Eva 59, 74, 83, 377n62
Gorton United Trades and Labour Council
Goulden, Emmeline 10–14; see also
Pankhurst, Emmeline
Goulden, Herbert: death 325; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 56, 188, 219; Pankhurst, Harry
56, 142; Pankhurst, Sylvia 246; Paris 243;
sister Mary 153
Goulden, Mary 11, 14, 21, 26, 47, 52, 56; see
alsoClarke, Mary (née Goulden)
Goulden, Robert (brother) 353
Goulden, Robert (father) 9, 12, 14–15;
abolitionism 10; death 37–8; property

settlement 18–19, 22; suffrage campaign
Goulden, Sophie Jane 9, 14–15, 16, 144–5
Graham, John J. 54, 61–2
Grant, Mrs. 277–8
Grantham, Justice 23
Grayzel, S. R. 286
Great College Street Society 29
Greece 288
Greg, Esther 340, 343, 345, 346, 350
Greg, John 340
Grenfell, Mrs. J. G. 70
Grey, Sir Edward 74–5, 163–4, 166, 208,
Grogan, Susan 6
Guthrie, Mrs. Baillie 128
Gye, Elsa 124

Haberton, Lady 92
The Hague 274
Haig, Florence 111–12
Haldane, R. B. 28, 32
Hall, Emmeline 261
Hall, Leonard 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 53, 261
Hall, Marion 261
Hall, Nellie 261
Hall-Humpherson, Nellie 347, 348, 351–2,
Hallett, Lilias Ashworth 29
Hamilton 285, 336
Hamilton, Cecily 157
Hamilton, Colonel 22
Hamilton Daily Times 285
Hampstead Road shop 25
Hannam, J. 221
Harben, Agnes 209, 218, 251
Harben, Henry 207, 222, 239, 251, 264
Harcourt, Lewis 190
Hardie, Keir: Asquith 150–1; Cat and Mouse
Act 228; death 280; elected to parliament
41, 57; Free Speech Defence Committee
230; ill health 94; Labour leader 79–80;
The Labour Leader47, 53; Men’s
Committee for Justice to Women 129;
Merthyr Tydfil 77; Pankhurst, Emmeline
119, 135, 188, 217; Pankhurst, Sylvia 2,
3, 5, 94, 101, 161, 185, 204–5, 212–13;
socialism 40–1, 345; as speaker 42, 48, 49,
83; unemployment 43, 74, 380n54;
Women’s Enfranchisement Bill 70, 71;
women’s suffrage 66, 68, 82, 85, 90;
WSPU 88, 108, 192–3

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