Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Harding, Gertrude 231
Harker, J. 41, 46, 47
Harraden, Beatrice 205, 250, 251, 354–5, 360
Harrison, Brian 5
Hartford 236
Hastings, Dr. 334–5
Haverfield, Evelina 130, 141, 147, 150, 158,
Hawkins, Mrs. 152
Headlam, Mr. 47
Healy, T. H. 186
Heaton Park, Manchester 74, 110
Helensburgh 168
Hempshall, John 47
Henderson, Arthur 289
Henry, E. R. 219
Hewson, Estelle 334
Hexham by-election 92
Heywood, Abel 19
Hobhouse, Charles 178, 179
Hobhouse, Emily 274
Hodgson, Caroline 97
Holland Park Hall meeting 265–6
Holloway brooches 127–8
Holloway Jail 84, 111, 117–18, 254–5
Holme, Vera 132, 147
Holton, S. S. 4, 10, 29–30, 30–1, 251,
366n32, 378n10
Home Office petitions 228
Home Rule 183, 204, 226, 252
Hood, Rev. Paxton 19
Horne, Rev. T. 53
Horsley, Victor 135, 228
Houldsworth, Mr. 20
House of Commons 79–80, 82
House of Lords 16, 33, 304–5, 349
Housman, Laurence 187, 223, 251
Howey, Elsie 111–12, 127, 144
Huddersfield by-election 89
Hughes, Billy 287
hunger strikers: Craggs 190; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 211, 217, 218, 223, 240,
242–3, 255, 265; Pankhurst, Sylvia 3,
211, 212–13, 226, 235; protests 131,
135–6, 188; see alsoforcible feeding
Hunslet Moor 102
Husband, Agnes 111
Hyde Park: Bastille Day 192–3; Hughes
meeting 287; processions 107, 126–7,
147; railings 178, 179; WSPU 84, 105
Hyland, Rose 54, 57
Hyndman, H. M. 36

illegitimacy 321; Pankhurst, Sylvia’s son 348,
349–50; Poor Law Guardian 279; see also
adopted children; war babies
I.L.P. News 66
immigrants 320
Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire 285,
Imperial Suffrage Movement 195
imperialism 311–12, 322, 331–2, 338, 343,
imprisonment 74–5, 176, 177, 397n44; see
alsohunger strikers
incendiarism 176, 178, 221
incest 56–7
incitement to bombing charge 214–15
Independent Labour Party: Bastille Day
demonstration 192–3; expulsions
threatened 86–7; Gawthorpe 77; Hardie
41; Heaton Park 74; Manchester 46–7,
93; National Administrative Council 51,
55–6, 57, 65, 69, 72; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 82, 95, 361; Pankhurst, Sylvia
101; Stockton-on-Tees conference 82;
suffrage 69–70; women’s franchise bill
68–9; women’s suffrage 86, 87; WSPU
73–4, 378n10
Independent Women’s Social and Political
Union 284
industrial unrest: Bolsheviks 290–1; Canada
319–20; General Strike 340, 341;
Pankhurst, Emmeline 25–6, 271; poverty
340–1; trade unions 303; Wales 281;
women 340–1
Industrial Women’s Organisations 301
infantile mortality 106
inheritance rights 32
International Congress of Women 274
International Labour Conference 41
International Medical Congress 229–30
International Woman Suffrage Alliance 127
International Women’s Franchise Club 147
internationalism 268, 269, 270, 310
Ireland 149, 160–1; Home Rule 183, 204,
226, 252; Nationalism 22, 23, 183;
Suffragists 147
Irish League for Women Suffrage 192–3
Irish Women’s Franchise League 149

Jackson, M. 206
James, Edward 210
Japan 309, 310
Japp, Lady Katherine 351

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