Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Japp, Sir Henry 351
Jarrow by-election 96
Jeffreys, S. 206
Joachim, Maud 111–12, 147, 225
Joan of Arc symbol 127, 164
Jones, Leif 167
Jorgensen-Earp, C. R. 150, 174, 236
Joynson-Hicks, Sir William 349
Jus Suffragii 272

Kamm, Josephine 5–6
Keevil, Gladice 103
Kemp, Sir George 157
Kennedy, Mrs. R. A. 334, 355
Kenney, Annie plate, 145; arrested 75, 81, 88,
218, 219; Cat and Mouse Act 226, 257;
flat raided 219; militancy 216; munitions
276; Pankhurst, Adela 248; Pankhurst,
Christabel 180, 184, 186; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 148, 229, 353; Pankhurst,
Sylvia 239, 296, 380–1n1; Pembrokeshire
110; Pethick Lawrences 80, 194, 199;
rearrested 227; speaker 73–4, 77, 147,
202, 215–16; on The suffragette movement
360; USA tour 170; war effort 271; War
Service Procession 277–8; Women’s Party
304; working women 92; WSPU 78, 79,
80, 83, 103, 144, 203
Kenney, Caroline 296
Kenney, Jane 296, 300
Kenney, Jessie 124; arrested 109; militancy
203; Pankhurst, Christabel 180, 199, 224,
243–4; Pankhurst, Emmeline 89, 99, 100,
224, 284; Russia 294, 298, 409n12;
Women’s Party 309
Kerensky, Alexander 292, 297–8, 301, 310
Kerr, Harriet 219, 351, 353
Kerr, Thomas 133
Kew Gardens 209
Kilbreth, Mary 318
King, Kathleen plate, 413n14; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 279, 323–4, 333–4, 336; Pine
335; re-adopted 337; USA 321, 323–4,
Knight, Adelaide 84
Kropotkin, Pyotr 28, 345

Labouchere, Mr. 72
The Labour Leader47, 51, 53, 65, 69, 72, 81
Labour Party: distrust of 271; election wins
77–8; and Liberals 230; MacDonald 303,
304; male control 303; social conditions

314; suffrage 90; WSPU 89–90, 202, 205;
see alsoIndependent Labour Party
Labour Representation Committee 65
Ladies’ Carlton Club 343
Lake, Agnes 219, 225
Lamb, Charles 330
Lancashire and Cheshire Union 41–2
Lancashire campaigns 125
Lansbury, George 204, 399n14; Asquith 189;
Daily Herald246; imprisoned 230;
Pankhurst, Sylvia 3, 263–4; political
prisoner status 188; speaker 193, 202,
226, 237; summons 218; United
Suffragists 251; Women’s Franchise
League 36; WSPU support 204, 205
Larkin, Delia 237
Larkin, Jim 237
Laski, Harold 361
Law, (Andrew) Bonar 260, 313
Lawrence, Susan 304
leadership: Women’s Party 304; WSPU 96–7,
250, 280, 282–3, 307–8, 362
League for Opposing Woman Suffrage 304
lecture tours: Canada 139, 169, 285, 311,
319, 326–7, 328–9; USA 126, 136,
137–41, 169, 175, 236–7, 272, 284–5,
Leeds 110
Leigh, Mary plate; Asquith 133–4; forcible
feeding 140; Pankhurst, Christabel 224;
prison 110, 119, 176, 398n9; window-
breaking 109; WSPU 120, 124, 147, 283
Leneman, L. 111
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich 297, 298, 300
Lennox, Geraldine 219, 224, 359
lesbianism: alleged 4–5, 145, 146, 394n34;
defined 391n72, 391n73; Smyth 160
letter box attacks 175–6, 203
Leverhulme, Lord 306
Lewis, Lady 166
Liberal Party: anti-women’s suffrage 107;
citizenship rights 135; electoral success
77, 157; Labour Party 230; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 12, 361; petition rights 122;
pro-war 19; repression 34–5; women
excluded from public meetings 132;
WSPU 77, 167
Liberty, Lasenby 180–1
Lighting of Vehicles Bill 71, 72
Linnell, Alfred 26
Liverpool 111, 137, 274

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