Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

living conditions 27, 44, 362; Poor Law 187,
201, 303–4; poverty 27, 303–4
Lloyd George, David 114–15, 148; Asquith’s
leadership 275; assassination plot 289;
Coalition 313; deputation 289–90;
heckled 84; house bombed 210, 214–15;
Minister of Munitions 276–8; mistress
281; NUWSS 289; Pankhurst, Emmeline
148, 276–8, 301, 305; Pankhurst, Sylvia
263–4; prime minister 288; Scott 175,
229; Second Conciliation Bill 163, 167,
168–9, 174; subpoenaed 114–15; suffrage
183; women’s suffrage 148, 157, 289–90;
Women’s Suffrage Bill 147; WSPU 175
Lloyd George, Mrs. 288
Local Government Bill 40
London, Canada 285
London, East End 203–4, 205, 346, 347–8
London, homes: Cheyne Walk 85–6;
Clarendon Road 286; Elsham Road 339,
347; Gloucester Street 347; High Street,
Wapping 349; Knightsbridge 209; Park
Walk 70, 79; Russell Square 27–8
London Graduates’ Union for Women’s
Suffrage 228
London Opera House 269–70
London Palladium meeting 279
London Pavilion 176, 227–8, 228–9, 280–1
London Symphony Orchestra 166
Louisville Courier 171
Lush, Justice 215
Lytton, Lady Constance: arrested 124;
Highlands 133; imprisonment 140, 143,
176; letter to Gladstone 119; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 114, 170; speaker 147, 158,
178; testimonial fund 325–6
Lytton, Lord 144, 146, 152–3, 164, 168

McCulloch, Catharine Waugh 128
MacDonald, Flora 314
MacDonald, Mrs. J. R. 71
MacDonald, Ramsay 57, 94, 292, 294, 303,
McIlquham, Harriet 31, 33, 70, 73, 98, 102
McKenna, Reginald 255, 260, 261–2, 267,
Mackenzie, Midge 1
McLaren, Sir Charles 68
McLaren, Walter 40
Maclean’s Magazine 331
McMillan, Margaret 49, 93, 288
Madison Square meeting 235

Maguire, Cynthia 304
Malicious Injuries to Property Act (1861)
Man, Isle of 10
Manchester: Boggart Hole Clough 46–8,
84–5, 261; dissenters 9–10; Free Trade
Hall 143–4; Heaton Park 110;
Independent Labour Party 46–7, 93;
suffrage campaign 12; unemployment
Manchester, homes: Buckingham Crescent
39, 42; Drayton Terrace 18; High Street,
Oxford Road 40; Nelson Street 55, 66,
81, 85; Sloan Street 9; Upper Brook
Street 85, 93–4
Manchester, Salford and District Women’s
Trades and Labour Council 74
Manchester and Salford Trades and Labour
Council 74
Manchester City Council 50
Manchester Guardian123, 131–2, 148, 339
Manchester Liberal Association 19, 20
Manchester Married Women’s Property
Committee 16–17, 18
Manchester National Society for Women’s
Suffrage 12, 18, 22, 40
Manchester School Board 41, 57–8, 374n24
Manchester Technical College 58
Manchester Women’s Suffrage Society 20
Manchester Women’s Trade Council 59
Manhood Suffrage Bill 172, 173–4, 207, 208
Mann, Tom 28, 41, 46
Mansel, Mildred 277–8, 353
Manus, Rosa 128
Marchef-Girard, Mlle 13
Marcus, Jane 2–3, 76, 160, 263
Margesson, Lady Isabel Hampden 266
Marion, Kitty 268
Markievicz, Countess 314
Marlow, Dr. Fred 328
married women: coverture doctrine 32;
employment 106; Poor Law Guardians
31; property rights 16–17, 326; women’s
suffrage 20, 29, 40
Marsden, Dora 125, 147, 156, 223–4
Marsh, Charlotte 119, 133–4, 141, 147,
Marshall, Alfred 170, 182, 219, 261, 346–7
Marshall, Kitty 170, 279, 346–7, 349;
commemoration 355; Pankhurst,
Emmeline’s funeral 353; statue 356–7;

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