Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

nationalisation 16
nationalism 268, 269
Naylor, Marie 353
Neal, Mary 81, 97, 197
Needham, Mr. 46, 47
Neligan, Dorinda 130, 150
Nevinson, Henry W.: Hyde Park procession
148; Men’s Political Union 238–9;
militancy 206; Pankhurst, Emmeline
129–30, 135, 144, 149, 151, 156, 187,
209, 229; Pankhurst, Sylvia 3; Pethick
Lawrences 198; resignation 135; United
Suffragists 251, 262
New, Edith 109, 110
New Age 156
New Constitutional Society of Women
Suffrage 192–3
New Constitutional Suffrage Society 147
New Forest 154
The New Freewoman223–4
New Union for Men and Women 147
new woman stereotype 30, 35
New York 138–9, 170–1, 237, 311
New York Evening Telegraph 310
New York Herald Tribune 354
New York Journal233, 278
New York Post 139
New York Sun 310
New York Times138, 233, 235, 247, 310, 318
New York Tribune 310
New Zealand 147, 307
Newcastle by-election 110
News of the World210, 348, 349
Newton Abbot by-election 101–2
Nodal, Mr. 58–9, 60–4
North Mail 223
North of England Society for Women’s
Suffrage 59
Northcliffe, Lord 277, 288, 314
Northwood, Eric 148
Norway 307
Nottingham 110
Nottingham Castle 178, 179
nurses 277–8

The Observer1, 276, 277
O’Connor, T. P. 45
Ontario tour 332, 334
Oram, Alison 145
Ottawa 285
Owen, Robert 345

pacifism: feminism 316–17; Pankhurst,
Adela 270, 274; Pankhurst, Richard 15,
19, 270; Pankhurst, Sylvia 270, 272, 285;
socialist 303, 305; World War I 268,
Paget, Lady Muriel 294
paintings damaged 216, 255, 266
Pall Mall Gazette23, 27, 107, 209, 210
Pan American Conference of Women 332
Pankhurst, Adela Constantia Mary plate, 4,
21; Archdales 167, 169, 191–2, 213,
225–6, 232–3, 248, 257, 305; arrested 88,
132; Australia 248–9, 257, 266; Boggart
Hole Clough 84–5; Britannia288;
communism 325, 334; conscription 287;
education 39, 42, 55, 56, 169;
employment 83, 214, 245–6, 397n72; ill
health 48, 63, 64, 71, 167; imprisoned 84;
Kenney, Annie 248; marriage and
children 300, 312, 325, 334; Mary
(Aunt) 155; pacifism 270, 274;
Pankhurst, Christabel 155; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 35–6, 57, 133, 155, 188, 237,
248–9, 278–9, 351; Pankhurst, Richard
24, 52, 300; Pankhurst, Sylvia 225;
Pethick Lawrence 155; Put up the sword
285; Scotland 124, 137; socialism 155,
194; on The suffragette movement359;
Women’s Peace Party 278; WSPU 92,
118, 147, 155, 169, 194
Pankhurst, Christabel Harriette plate, 4–5,
19, 114–17; adopted child 300; arrested
75, 91, 113–14; Britannia284;
Conciliation Committee 152–3; Davison
222; demonstrations 74, 108; deputation
172; education 39, 42, 49, 59, 62, 65, 85,
375n2; Geneva 51–2, 54; Gore-Booth
377n62; The great scourge236–7, 245,
323; Independent Labour Party 93, 95;
Kenney, Annie 180, 184, 186; Kenney,
Jessie 180, 199, 224, 243–4; leadership
96–7, 99, 250, 362; Leigh 224; NUWSS
66; The Observer276; Pankhurst, Adela
155; Pankhurst, Emmeline 76–7, 190,
224, 240–1, 243, 244, 266–7, 314–15,
351, 353, 355; Pankhurst, Harry 141;
Pankhurst, Richard 24; Pankhurst, Sylvia
2, 3, 56, 85–6, 185–6, 237–9, 246–9, 350;
Paris 180, 190, 243–4; Pethick Lawrences
194, 199; Pine 335; Plain facts about a
great evil236–7; prison 119, plate; religion
314–15, 336, 344; return to England 268,

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