Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

288; Robins 211; Scotland 124; Smyth
258–9; statue 357; The Suffragettejournal
198, 238; on The suffragette movement
359; tactics 75–6, 90–1; The Times134;
Unshackled: the story of how we won the
vote1, 76, 360; USA lecture tour 272,
332; Victoria 328–9; Votes for Women
174, 184; Women’s Party 304, 313–15;
WSPU 1–3, 74–5, 85–6, 110, 147, 152–3,
164–5, 269–70, 283, 301
Pankhurst, Emmeline plates, 7, 354; arrested
plate, 103, 113–14, 130, 151, 179, 210,
259–60; Asquith 83–4, 272, 286–7;
autobiography 7–8, 234, 294; biographies
1–2, 4, 5–6; Canadian citizenship 331,
334, 335; Cat and Mouse Act 215, 221,
222–3, 240, 242–3, 251–2, 259–60, 266,
357; death 352; family background 9,
10–11; Fawcett 289–90; femininity 116,
139; financial problems 285–6, 291,
320–1, 325–6, 336–7, 340; Francophile
269, 275; funeral 353; Honorary
Secretary of WSPU 97; Honorary
Treasurer of WSPU 203, 233, 261, 282,
288; hunger strike plate, 211, 217, 218,
223, 240, 242–3, 255, 265; ill health
55–6, 117, 118, 178, 181, 188, 228, 298,
300, 338, 346–7, 348, 350–2;
imprisonment plate, 104, 118–19, 181–2,
187–8; leadership 96–7, 99, 283–4;
Manchester School Board 41, 57–8,
374n24; marriage 17, 25; militancy
139–40, 200–1, 207–8, 226–7, 235;
motherhood 19, 35, 48; political
allegiance 2, 41–2, 82, 340, 341–3; Poor
Law Guardian 42–4, 50, 51, 55; Registrar
of Births and Deaths 55–7, 78, 116, 279,
323, 328
Pankhurst, Frank (Henry Francis Robert) 21,
26, 27
Pankhurst, Harry plate, 3, 388n45;
apprenticeship 92; childhood 30, 36, 48,
57; death 142; education 61–2, 83, 92; ill
health 56, 63–4, 125–6, 128, 137, 141–2;
Pankhurst, Emmeline 103; Pankhurst,
Richard 52; politics 102; WSPU
Exhibition 128–9
Pankhurst, Richard Marsden plate, 15;
children 21–2, 27; correspondence 94;
death 2, 52–3; ill health 49, 51–2;
Independent Labour Party 41–2; letters to
Emmeline 353; libel 22–3; pacifism 15,

19, 270; parliamentary candidacy 19–21,
22–3, 45–6; political beliefs 16, 19–20,
40–1, 345; religious education 296;
Rollit’s bill 36; solicitor’s practice 21, 42,
49; suffrage campaign 12, 16; Women’s
Disabilities Removal Bill 32
Pankhurst, (Estelle) Sylvia plate, 2–3, 4, 5,
19; arrested 88, 91, 230; art 51, 55, 66–7,
70, 126, 128; Asquith 262, 263;
Bolsheviks 330–1; capitalism 313; Cat
and Mouse Act 226, 228, 246;
communism 325, 331, 344; Corio 339;
disgrace 351; education 39, 42, 59, 85;
ELFS 2, 211, 262, 272; Free Speech
Defence Committee 230; Geneva 59–60;
Hardie 2, 5, 94, 101, 161, 185, 204–5,
212–13; hunger strike 3, 211, 212–13,
226, 235; ill health 56, 212–13;
illegitimate child 348, 349–50;
Independent Labour Party 101; Kenney,
Annie 239, 296, 380–1n1; Lansbury 3,
263–4; The life of Emmeline Pankhurst1;
Lloyd George 263–4; NUWSS 72;
pacifism 270, 272, 285; Pankhurst, Adela
225; Pankhurst, Christabel 2, 3, 56, 85–6,
185–6, 237–9, 247–9; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 27, 54, 111, 219, 222, 262–3,
311, 339, 345, 353, 356–7; Pankhurst,
Harry 137, 141, 142; Pankhurst, Richard
46, 52, 94; Paris 246; passport refused
274–5; Pethick Lawrences 356, 357–8;
released from prison 232; return from
Venice 65; Robins 119; Smyth 160; social
welfare 272; socialism 3, 184–5, 270, 304,
313; The suffragette87, 154; The
suffragette movement2, 3, 5, 29, 70, 87,
99, 137, 184–5, 199, 224, 246, 263–4,
355, 358–9; summons 226; Women’s
Franchise League 33–4; working class
feminists 203–4; WSPU 2, 80–1, 85, 137,
147, 208–9, 226
Pankhurst Hall 66–7
Paris 13, 180, 190, 243–4, 246, 272–3, 315
Paris International Socialist Congress 41
Parker, Frances 265
Parker, Inspector Edward 255
Parliament Street Society 29
Parnell, Charles 22, 23
Parsons, Lady 277–8
passports 274–5
patriotic feminism 268–9, 271, 308, 311–12,

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