Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Patriotic Women’s Alliance 295
Patriots versusPacifists appeal, Women’s
Party 309
Paul, Alice 133
pauperism 45
Pavlova, Anna 333
Payne, Mr. and Mrs. 226
Peace Conference 274, 315
Pearson, Karl 228
Peckham Rye by-election 105, 107
Pembridge, Joan plate, 279, 329, 333–4, 335,
Pembrokeshire 110
Penal Servitude Acts 217
People’s Army 238, 263
Percy, Lady Maude 158
Personal Rights Journal 37
Peterloo franchise demonstration 9
Pethick, Dorothy 136, 141, 147, 169–70
Pethick Lawrence, Emmeline plate; anti-
militancy 191; arrested 88, 174, 183;
Boggart Hole Clough 84–5; Equal
Franchise Demonstration 343; Hague
peace conference 275; imprisonment 125,
187–8; Kenney, Annie 80, 194, 199; New
Forest 154; ousted 194–5, 196, 198;
Pankhurst, Adela 155; Pankhurst,
Emmeline 114, 178, 251, 354; Pankhurst,
Sylvia 356, 357–8; on The suffragette
movement359; United Suffragists 251;
Votes for Women125, 197, 396n28;
WSPU 80–1, 83, 92, 96–7, 99, 126, 142,
147, 149, 164–5, 174
Pethick Lawrence, Frederick 88, 89; Albert
Hall rally 237–8; bailing prisoners out 91;
committed for trial 183; imprisonment
187; militancy 191, 361; ousted 194–5,
196, 198; Pankhurst, Christabel 199;
statue 357; WSPU 80, 83, 96–7, 99
petition rights 122, 125, 129–30, 131, 141
Philadelphia 285
Phillips, Caroline 94, 101
Phillips, Marion 301
Phillips, Mary 107, 111, 142
Pine, Catherine plate; adopted children
279–80, 286, 323–4, 333, 335; departure
335; Pankhurst, Christabel 335;
Pankhurst, Emmeline 218, 220, 241, 255,
260, 265, 304; Pankhurst, Harry 125, 137;
Paris visit 240, 243, 272, 315; Tower
Cressey 300; USA stay 317, 323–4, 333
Pittsburg 139

Plekhanov, G. V. 296–7
Plural Voting Bill 84
Plymouth 271–2, 276
police brutality 109, 130, 150, 152, 254, 255,
259, 392n103
police intimidation 91, 92, 113
police raids 180, 219–20, 261
police surveillance 206, 218
police women 341
political corruption film 235
Political Equality Association 233
political prisoner status: denied 117, 140,
181; hunger strike 131, 181; Lytton 114;
protests 132; WSPU 88, 188
Pond, James 334
J. P. Pond Lyceum Bureau 138, 169, 170, 334
Pooll, Mrs. Batten 214
Poor Law Guardians: illegitimacy 279; living
conditions 187, 201, 303–4; married
women 31; Pankhurst, Emmeline 42–4,
50, 51, 55
Poplar Labour Representation Committee
Portman Rooms, London 158
portrait 355
Pott, Rosina Mary 210
poverty: Britannia306; food problem 305;
industrial unrest 340–1; living conditions
27, 303–4; Serbia 281–2; stigma 45;
women’s suffrage 139
Pratt, Hodgson 28
press 175, 237; see alsoindividual newspapers
Preston, Aileen 157–8
prison sentence volunteers 120–1
Prisoners’ Pageant 146, 164
Prisoners Temporary Discharge for Ill-Health
Bill: seeCat and Mouse Act
private members’ bills 74, 80, 146, 157, 220
processions 91–2, 102, 107, 126–7, 146–7,
prohibition 332
property acts 326
prostitution 201, 230
Protest Fund 266
Public Health Association, Canada 334
public health demonstrations 328
public opinion 88, 113, 191, 216, 236, 259
Pugh, Martin: lesbianism 145, 146; militancy
308; Pankhurst, Emmeline 8, 111, 303,
344; The Pankhursts4–5; women’s
movement 316
Putney Branch meeting 210

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