Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Quebec 285
Queen’s Hall: concert 159, 166; meetings
152–3, 311–12; votes for sailors and
soldiers speech 287–8; Women’s Party

race course death 222
race factors 236
radicalism 23–4, 29–30, 31, 33
Raleigh, North Carolina 323
Raleigh News and Observer 323
Rathbone, Eleanor 343
rational dress 28
Redmond, John 193
Reform Act (1867) 11–12, 28, 187
Reform Bill 107, 177, 178
Register of Women for War Service 274
Registrar of Births and Deaths 55, 78;
illegitimacy 279; incest stories 56–7;
Mary acting as 82–3, 92; resignation 116;
venereal disease 323, 328
religious education 296
Representation of the People Act 306–7
Representation of the People Bill 295
Representation of the People (Equal
Franchise) Act 348–9
Rhondda, Sybil 325–6, 338, 355, 357
Richardson, Mary 212, 255
Riddell, Justice 327–8
Riddell, Sir George 210
Riviera tea-shop 337, 338
Robins, Elizabeth 87; ill health 225;
Pankhurst, Christabel’s letters 211;
Pankhurst, Emmeline’s letters 115, 121,
129, 133, 136, 139, 142, 144, 147, 154,
162, 164, 166, 175, 186, 209–10, 211,
212, 214; Pankhurst, Sylvia 119; Pethick
Lawrences 197–8, 203; writings 89, 93–4,
97–8; WSPU 97
Robins, Margaret Drier 139
Robins, Raymond 298
Robinson, Frederic H. 236–7
Robinson, Sam 75–6, 91, 93, 96
Rochefort, Henri de 28
Rochefort, Noémie 13, 51; see alsoDufaux,
Rochester, USA 139
Rochester Herald 311
Roe, Grace 145; arrested 261; Craggs 142;
Davison 222; imprisoned 265; Pankhurst,
Sylvia 350; Victoria 328–9; WSPU 153,
204, 220, 231, 271, 277

Roe, Lucy 81
roller skating 159, 337
Rollit, Sir Albert 36–7
Rolphe, Mrs. Neville 322
Romania 288
Romero, P. W. E. 94, 205, 263, 264
Roper, Esther 40, 59, 65
Rotherhithe Liberal and Radical Association
Rover, Constance 361
Rowbotham, S. 303
Rowe, Frances 98, 102, 177
Rowley, Charles 55
Ruhl, Arthur 139
Rupp, L. J. 127
Russia: Czar 296, 299; desertions from army
292; fighting 297; food shortages 297;
Japan 309, 310; Kenney, Jessie 294, 298,
409n12; Peace Conference 315; visit
293–9; war with Turkey 15; withdrawal
309; women’s battalion 295–6, 297, 298;
women’s suffrage 297; workers’ revolution
292; see alsoBolsheviks
Rutzen, Sir Albert de 131

sacrifice 82–3, 127–8, 269
St. Andrew’s Hall, Glasgow 253–4
St. Malo 266–7
St. Paul 236, 237
St. Paul’s Cathedral protest 229
Sale, Mrs. 50
Salford 10, 19, 21
Samuel, Herbert 284
Sanders, Beatrice 219
sanitation 27
Sarah, Elizabeth 6
Sarnia 285
Saskatchewan 285
Savill, Dr. Agnes 188
Sayers, Alfred 81
Scantlebury, Chief Inspector 130
Scatcherd, Alice Cliff 18, 28, 53; Dr.
Pankhurst Fund 54; Rollit’s bill 36;
Women’s Franchise League 30–1, 33
Schack, Countess 33
Schütze, Dr. and Gladys 252
Scotland: by-elections 123–4; Edinburgh
137; holiday 110; Pankhurst, Adela 137;
socialism 111; tours 133, 148–9, 168;
Women’s Freedom League 111; WSPU
93, 111; see alsoGlasgow
Scott, C. P.: Lloyd George 175, 229;

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