Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

stone-throwing 130, 139–40, 178–9, 211
Stopes, Marie 316
Stowe, Harriet Beecher 10
Strachey, Ray 223, 289, 355–6, 359, 379n40
strip-search 265
Strode, Dr. Chetham 312, 351–2
Stroud 178
suffrage, adult: Asquith 286–7; gender
equality 11–12, 69–70, 290; Labour Party
90; Lloyd George 183; masculinist history
365n20; military services 286, 287–8;
Reform Bill 177; working men 147; see
alsoManhood Suffrage Bill; women’s
suffrage movements, USA 138, 233, 235–6,
Suffragette Fellowship 359
The Suffragettejournal: arrests 219;
illegitimate children’s home 279;
Labour/Liberal Parties 202, 230, 264;
national unity 275; Pankhurst, Christabel
198, 238; Pankhurst, Emmeline to
Switzerland 243; Pankhurst, Sylvia 238;
presses 220; publication ceased 268;
Punchcartoon of Hardie 280; relaunch
274, 275; renamed Britannia281; split in
WSPU 200–1; Ulster Unionists 260;
USA sales 237; violence 253; War
Service Procession 277–8; White Slave
Traffic 206; see also Britannia
‘Suffragette Week’ 258
suffragettes 5, 88, 194; arsenal 260–1;
Boggart Hole Clough 84–5; Caxton Hall
meeting 79; doctors 230; Hyde Park 84;
imprisonment 397n44; martyr’s death
222; police brutality 150, 152; prejudice
against 183; sacrifice 127–8; sexuality
145–6; USA 171
The Suffragettes of the Women’s Social and
Political Union 284, 286
suffragists 28, 68, 150, 310–11
Sunday Pictorial 274
Sunday World 237
Susannah, servant 19, 22, 26, 39, 52
Swansea Socialist Society 77

Taylor, Helen 28, 36
Taylor, Mona 205
Taylor, Tom 41
tea-shop 337, 338
teachers 57–8
testimonial fund 325–6, 333

Thebaud, F. 275
thirst strike 212, 226, 242–3, 255, 265
Thomas, Carey 171, 285
Thompson, Katie 181
Tickner, L. 164, 268, 276
Tillett, Ben 49, 230
The Times314; Census protest 159; Curzon
304; forcible feeding 264–5; letters to
182–3, 223; Pankhurst, Christabel 134;
Pankhurst, Emmeline 135–6, 179, 180;
Reform Bill 177; suffragists 108; venereal
disease 288; WSPU 282
Toronto 139, 237, 285, 311, 327–8, 331–2,
Toronto Daily Star327–8, 344
Toronto Evening Telegram327–8
Toronto Exhibition 334
Toronto Globe328, 331
Tower Cressey 300, 317, 337
Townend, Gertrude 125, 137
Trade Union Bill 204
trade unions 271, 273–4, 303, 308
Trafalgar Square demonstrations 83, 113,
220, 230, 316
transport strike 168
Trotsky, Leon 298
Tudor, Elizabeth plate, 279, 300, 328–9, 335
Tuke, Mabel: acquitted 183; Festival of
Empire 164; Normandy tour 193;
Pankhurst, Emmeline 154, 170; Pethick
Lawrences 194; prison visits 124; tea-
shop 337, 338; warrant for arrest 180;
window-breaking 179; WSPU 97, 147,
164–5, 195–6, 202
Tumultuous Petitions Act 102–3, 130
Turkish–Russian war 15
Turnbull, Annmarie 145
Tweedale, William 47

Ulster Unionists 226, 252–3, 254, 260, 265
Unemployed Workmen Relief Bill 74
unemployment 43–4, 74, 348, 380n54
United Suffragists 250–1, 262, 286
USA: adopted children 321, 323–5;
Bolsheviks 318; Carnegie Hall 237;
lecture tours 126, 136, 137–41, 169, 175,
236–7, 272, 284–5, 317; socialism
310–11; suffrage movements 138, 233,
235–6, 318; suffragettes 171; suffragists
28, 310–11; visit 309–10, 323–4, 333;
Women’s Political Union 170–1;

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