Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1
women’s suffrage 138, 233, 235–6, 318;
WSPU 177

Vale Wood Farm 49
Vancouver 319
Vancouver Island 321–2, 328–9
venereal disease 201, 230, 288, 322–3, 328
Venn, Commander 347, 349
Vicinus, M. 109, 160
Victoria 321–2, 328
Victoria Daily Colonist321–2
Victoria Daily Times 319
Victoria House Press 219
Victorian Socialist Party 334
Victory Loan Rally 316
Villard, Helen Garrison 139
violence 178, 201, 202, 235, 253; see also
police brutality
Virago Press 5
Vomers, George 47
Votes for Women111; Canada 174;
Conciliation Bill 167; Leigh and Evans
193; Pankhurst, Christabel 174, 184;
Pankhurst, Emmeline 118–19, 135, 182;
Pethick Lawrence 125, 197–8, 396n28;
printer terrorised 180; race 236; split in
WSPU 200–1
Vries, J. de 269

wage levels 57–8, 273–4, 278, 306, 308–9
Wales 148, 161, 167, 176, 210, 281
Walsh, Tom 300
Walshe, Norah 355
Walthamstow by-election 149
Walton Heath house 214–15
war babies 279–80, 284, 317; see alsoTower
war effort campaigning 271
War Memorial Adoption Home 317
War Service Procession 277–8
Ward, Margaret 149
Ward, Mrs. Humphry 276
Warner, Marina 127
wartime: women in employment 269–76,
308–9; Women’s Party 302; WSPU
Washington state 175
Watts, Helen 124
Webb, Sidney 228, 342
Wedgwood, Joseph 3
Weekly Dispatch283–4
Wellington by-election 167

Wentworth, Vera 111–12, 177
West, Rebecca 16, 28, 72, 99, 100, 223
Westbury by-election 158
Western Mail 210
Westminster Abbey constituency 315–16
Wharry, Olive 177
Wheeldon, Alice 289
Wheeldon, Hettie 289
White Slave Traffic 200–1, 206, 215, 237
Whitechapel campaigning plate, 346
Wickham, Joan 233, 284
Widows, Wives and Mothers of Great Britain
Heroes’ Association 319
William Lloyd Garrison League 139
Williams, Dr. May 350, 351
Williams, Mrs. 254
Wills, Lucy 171
Wilson, T. Woodrow 235
Wiltshire 158
Winchester riots 130
window-breaking: arrests 151, 177, 179–80;
police brutality 130; public opinion 191;
WSPU 108, 132, 133, 174, 177–8,
Winslow, Barbara 5, 205
Winson Green Gaol 134, 135
Wisbech 153
Wolstenholme, Elizabeth Elmy: seeElmy,
Elizabeth Wolstenholme
Woman’s Christian Temperance Union 332
The Woman’s Dreadnought246–7
Woman’s Forum 319
The Woman’s Herald 34
women: Belgium 285; citizenship rights 102,
106, 268, 311–12; confidence 308;
economic independence 317; education
11, 15–16, 58, 64; graduates 146;
industrial unrest 340–1; members of
parliament 312–13; munition work
280–1, 306, 308–9; Serbia 285; socialism
69; trade union members 308; voters 312;
wartime employment 269–76, 308–9;
workers 2, 40, 69, 92; see alsomarried
women; women’s suffrage
Women Writers Suffrage Society 192–3
Women’s Auxiliary Service 341
women’s battalion 295–6, 297, 298
Women’s Canadian Club 319, 320, 322
Women’s Civic and Political Responsibilities
conference 301, 304
Women’s Conservative Association 319
Women’s Co-operative Guild 72

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