Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Women’s Coronation Procession 164
Women’s Disabilities Removal Bill 32
Women’s Dreadnought 304
Women’s Emancipation Union 36, 70
women’s enfranchisement: seewomen’s
Women’s Enfranchisement Bill 71–3, 89–90,
144, 146; Asquith 113, 146–7; Hardie 70,
71; Independent Labour Party 68–9;
Stanger 104, 107, 113
Women’s Franchise League 31–4, 36, 37, 40,
372n33, 379n40
Women’s Freedom League 97, 98, 111, 125,
147, 192–3
Women’s Guild of Empire 340, 341
women’s history 368n46
Women’s Labour League 86, 110
Women’s Liberal Association 41–2, 83–4,
Women’s Liberal Federation 32, 42
Women’s Liberation 6–7, 316–17
Women’s Local Government Society 58
’Women’s Marseillaise’ 157
women’s missions 144
Women’s New Era League 319
Women’s Parliament 90–1, 91–2, 102, 108,
124, 125
Women’s Party 301–2; citizenship rights 305;
Kenney, Annie 304; Kenney, Jessie 309;
leadership 304; Marxism 302–3; national
prosperity 305–6; officials 302;
Pankhurst, Emmeline 309; parliamentary
candidate 313–16; Patriots versusPacifists
appeal 309; Queen’s Hall launch 304–5;
war-time duties 302; women voters 307,
Women’s Peace Party 278
Women’s Political Association, Australia 270
Women’s Political Union, USA 170–1, 234
Women’s Progression Suffrage Union, USA
Women’s Social and Political Union
(WSPU) 1, 5, 6–7, 67, 81, 128–9;
Aberdeen 94; Asquith 108, 193; ‘At
Homes’ 110–11, 276; bands 48, 128, 129;
bodyguard 231, 254; breakfast parties
110, 111–12, 119, 126, 129; campaign
fund 165; Campbell-Bannerman 81;
Canada 177; constitution 96–7, 98–9;
criticism 181; demonstrations 75, 105,
108; deputation to parliament 87–8,
108–9; dissidents 283–4; exhibition

128–9; fine-paying 400n40; funds 89,
121, 180, 266; Hardie 88, 108, 192–3;
Independent Labour Party 73–4, 378n10;
International Woman Suffrage Alliance
127; Labour Party 89–90, 202, 205;
leadership 96–7, 250, 280, 282–3, 307–8,
362; Liberal Party 77, 167; Lloyd George
175; militancy 5, 73, 76–7, 81, 82, 92,
108, 125, 190–1, 203, 245; militarism
268; NUWSS 73, 88, 147, 165;
Pankhurst, Christabel 1–2, 3, 74–5, 85–6,
110, 147, 152–3, 164–5, 269–70, 283,
301; Pankhurst, Sylvia 2, 80–1, 85, 137,
147, 208–9, 226; Pethick Lawrence 80–1,
83, 92, 96–7, 99, 126, 142, 147, 149,
164–5, 174; police intimidation 91, 92,
113; police raid 180, 219–20, 261;
processions 91–2, 164–5; public meetings
73, 83, 88, 200–3, 217, 220; public
sympathy 88, 113; regional branches 109;
Scotland 93, 111; Self-Denial Week 105;
socialism 72, 81–2, 86, 202; speakers
67–8, 147; sponsorship 79; symbolic
colours 107–8, 119–20; tensions 96–7,
156–7, 203; USA 177; war babies
279–80; wartime 276–7; window-
breaking 108, 132, 133, 174, 177–8,
179–80; Women’s Party 301–2; see also
by-election campaigning
women’s suffrage 1, 342; Asquith 162, 164,
166–7, 273, 286–7; Australia 72, 307;
Campbell-Bannerman 83; Canada 288–9,
307; Carson 252–3; class 139; deputation
124, 208–9, 257–8, 289–90; Gladstone
104; Glasier 132; Hardie 66, 68, 82, 85,
90; House of Lords 304–5; imprisonment
74–5; Independent Labour Party 65, 86,
87; Lloyd George 148, 157, 289–90;
married women 20, 29, 40; men 152–3;
militancy 208–9; moral force 201–2, 206;
Northcliffe 277; NUWSS 74, 286;
Pankhurst, Richard 16; Plural Voting Bill
84; poverty 139; private members’ bill
220; qualification 144, 157, 295, 307,
393n15; qualifications 307; radicalism
29–31; Representation of the People Bill
295; Rollit 36–7; Russia 297; self-
representation 106–7; sex solidarity 94–5;
spiritual struggle 362; USA 138, 233,
235–6, 318; WSPU 284
Women’s Suffrage Bill 146–7
Women’s Suffrage Journal 12

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