Emmeline Pankhurst: A Biography

(Nancy Kaufman) #1

Women’s Tax Resistance League 147, 192–3
Women’s Trade Union League 26, 139
Women’s War Service 277
Woodlock, Patricia 125, 129
Woodward, Rev. Canon 357
Woolwich Arsenal 308
workers: control of industry 303; Russian
revolution 292; suffrage 147; women 2,
40, 69, 92, 269–76, 308–9
The Workers’ Dreadnought247, 304
Workers’ Suffrage Federation 285, 286
workhouse 43, 44–5
working class feminists 203–4, 211
World War I: Allies 292, 293–4; armistice
312; declaration of 267; France 311;
pacifism 271; patriotic feminism 268–9

Wright, Ada Cecile 222, 325–6, 353
Wright, Alice Morgan: militancy 196;
Pankhurst, Emmeline 141, 165–6;
Pankhurst, Emmeline’s letters 169–70,
173, 174, 175, 177, 190, 206; Paris 315
Wright, Sir Almroth 182
Wylie, Barbara 195, 325–6, 344, 346, 352,
Wylie, Ida and Barbara 261

Yates, Rose Lamartine 283
Yorkshire Miners’ Association 41
Yorkshire WSPU 118

Zangwill, Israel 149
Zangwill, Mrs. Israel 251

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