The Utopian Communist: A Biography of Wilhelm Weitling

(Barré) #1

Boston Tailors' Associative Union, 228,
Brandenberger, Ludwig, 266, 268, 269,
270, 272
Brisbane, Albert, 15, 19, 135, 188, 189,
190, 193, 195, 196, 197. "9.^238
Brook Farm, 17, 238
Brownson, Orestes A., 18, 188
Büchner, Georg, 13, 37
Burgers, Heinrich, 113
Buffalo Demokrat, 147
Building and loan associations, 123, 206,
Bund der Geächteten, see League of
Bund der Gerechten, see League of the
Buonarroti, Filippe Michele, 16, 20
Cabet, Étienne, 17, 18, 22, 33, 36, 38, 52,
55,68,100,103, 111, 136,176,197, 205,
223, 245
Caille, F., 317
Calvin, John, 32, 82
Campe, Julius, 92
Carbonari, 15
Carey, Henry C, 229
Carey, Mathew, 189
Caspelmann, W., 250
Castle Garden, 286, 299, 300
Channing, William Ellery, 189
Chartist movement, 15, 22, 99, 100, 101
Chevalier, Michel, 300
Christian communism, 25, 29, 38, 46-47,
50, 70, 73-77, 81-82, 87-88, 102, 107,
132, 171, 213, 222, 238
Christliche Apologete, 149
Cincinnati Hochwächter, 148-49, 249
Cincinnati Nonpareil, 229
Cincinnati Volksblatt, 212, 224, 225,
Cincinnati Volksfreund, 147, 318
Clay, Cassius M., 190
Clayton County Herald (Iowa), 256,
Cleveland Germania, 147
Cleveland Wächter am Erie, 215, 318
Clydesdale Colony (Iowa), 241
Colesburgh, Iowa, 241
Collins, John Anderson, 238
Columbus, Christopher, 76
Columbus (Ohio) Westbote, 139, 147,
199, 200, 215, 225, 318
Communia, Iowa, 119, 152,171-72, 175-

76, 210, 216, 218, 237-39, 240, 241-75.
288, 301, 317
Communist Chronicle, The (London),
41, 83, 84, 97, 98
Communist Club, of Berlin, 106; of
London, 189; of New York, 288, 289-
Communist colonies, 42, 60, 103, 106,
119, 139, 144, 152, 156, 166, 170, 171,
172, 173, 175-78, 179, 180, 182-85, 202,
206, 208, 210, 216, 218, 237-39, 240-75
Compromise of 1850, p. 139
Conheim, Max, 155
"Congress of Democrats" (Berlin),
130-32, 134
Considérant, Victor, 16-17, 18, 33, 52,

  1. 195
    Cooper, Thomas, 100
    Co-operative movement, 21, 32, 39, 42,

  2. 46, 53. 67. 80. 101, 128, 129. 140.
    144, 146, 148, 153, 167, 170, 172, 178,
    179, 181, 182, 185, 189, 194, 201, 202,
    204, 206, 207, 226, 227-32, 233, 234,
    284, 314
    Copernicus, Nicolas, 76, 292, 298
    Cornell, Ezra, 306
    Corvin, Otto von, 131
    Craig, John, 241
    Criminology, 27, 63, 64, 76, 82
    Curtis, George W., 189
    Dana, Charles A., 189, 190, 196, 306
    Darwin, Charles, 109
    Degener, Eduard, 306
    Descartes, 295
    Deutsche Arbeiterhalle (Hanover),
    Deutsche Zuschauer, Der, 152
    Deutsch-Französische Jahrbücher, 111
    Deutsche Frauenzeitung, Die, 155,156
    Dietsch, Andreas, 90, 153, 239-40
    Diggers, 109
    Dress reform, 159
    Dronke, Ernst, 114
    Dubuque Phönix, 273
    Ebenezer, N.Y., 156, 170-71, 177
    Eckstein, Philipp, 305
    Economy, Pa., 156, 179-80
    Ehrenberg, O. G, 302
    Eilenberg, Friedrich, 305
    Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 97
    Employment agency, 161, 201
    Enders, Johann, 242, 256
    Engels, Friedrich, 29-30, 56, 100, 101,

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