- Chapter 1 Introduction Acknowledgments xiii
- The Aim of This Book
- The Focus of This Book
- The Structure of This Book
- Further Reading
- Chapter 2 Healthy Eating
- What Is Healthy Eating?
- The Role of Diet in Contributing to Illness
- The Role of Diet in Treating Illness
- Who Has a Healthy Diet?
- The Impact of Health Concerns
- A Note on Measuring Food Intake
- Conclusion
- Chapter 3 Food Choice
- Developmental Models of Food Choice
- Cognitive Models of Food Choice
- Psychophysiological Models of Food Choice
- Conclusion
- Chapter 4 The Meaning of Food vi Contents
- Food Classification Systems
- Food as a Statement of the Self
- Food as Social Interaction
- Food as Cultural Identity
- Measuring Beliefs About the Meaning of Food
- Conclusion
- Chapter 5 The Meaning of Size
- Media Representations
- The Meaning of Sex
- The Meaning of Size
- Conclusion
- Chapter 6 Body Dissatisfaction
- What Is Body Dissatisfaction?
- Who Is Dissatisfied With Their Body?
- Causes of Body Dissatisfaction
- Consequences of Body Dissatisfaction
- Conclusion
- Chapter 7 Dieting
- Putting Dieting in Context
- The Dieting Industry
- What Is Dieting?
- Dieting and Overeating
- The Consequences of Dieting
- Problems With Restraint Theory
- Conclusion
- Chapter 8 Obesity
- What Is Obesity?
- How Common Is Obesity?
- What Are the Consequences of Obesity?
- What Are the Causes of Obesity?
- Physiological Theories
- The Obesogenic Environment Contents vii
- Problems With Obesity Research
- Conclusion
- Chapter 9 Obesity Treatment
- Doctors’ Beliefs About Obesity
- Dietary Interventions
- Should Obesity Be Treated at All?
- The Treatment Alternatives
- The Success Stories
- Preventing Obesity
- Conclusion
- Chapter 10 Eating Disorders
- Anorexia Nervosa
- What Are the Consequences of Anorexia Nervosa?
- Bulimia Nervosa
- What Are the Consequences of Bulimia Nervosa?
- Causes of Eating Disorders
- Conclusion
- Chapter 11 Treating Eating Disorders
- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Family Therapy
- Inpatient Treatment
- An Integrated Approach to Treatment
- Chapter 12 An Integrated Model of Diet
- A Summary of the Literature on Diet
- Common Themes Across the Literature on Eating Behavior
- An Integrated Model of Diet
- Conclusion
- References
- Author Index
- Subject Index
- 1.1 From healthy to disordered eating: A spectrum of diet List of Figures
- 2.1 Healthy eating
- 2.2 Healthy eating in young adults
- 3.1 Food choice
- 3.2 Social eating
- 3.3 The basics of the theory of reasoned action
- 3.4 The basics of the theory of planned behavior
- 3.5 Neurochemicals and food choice
- 4.1 The meaning of food
- 4.2 Food and sex
- 4.3 Food: Guilt versus pleasure
- 4.4 Food as self-control
- 4.5 Food and the family
- 4.6 Food: Health versus pleasure
- 4.7 Food and religion
- 5.1 Contemporary ideals of beauty
- 5.2 The meaning of size
- 5.3 The meaning of size: Control
- 5.4 The meaning of size: Success
- 6.1 Body dissatisfaction
- 6.2 Body silhouettes for adults
- 6.3 Smoking as a response to body dissatisfaction
- 7.1 “Diets work”
- 7.2 The central role for control
- 7.3 Dieting and overeating
- 7.4 The boundary model of overeating
- types of eating 7.5 A comparison of the boundaries for different
- 7.6 Overeating as relapse List of Figures ix
- 7.7 From dieting to overeating
- 8.1 Grades of obesity by height and weight
- 8.2 The relationship between BMI and mortality
- 8.3 Weight and depression
- 8.4 Changes in physical activity and obesity
- 8.5 Changes in food intake over 40 years
- 8.6 Changes in calorie consumption and obesity
- 8.7 Changes in the carbohydrate–fat ratio and obesity
- 9.1 Multidimensional packages for obesity
- 9.2 Mortality and fitness level in individuals with a BMI > 25.4
- 9.3 Searching for the magic bullet for obesity
- 9.4 Gastric bypass
- 9.5 Vertical stapled gastroplasty
- 9.6 Life events and sustained behavior change
- 10.1 A common portrayal of an anorexic patient
- 10.2 Possible consequences of anorexia nervosa
- its description 10.3 The changing incidence of bulimia nervosa since
- 10.4 Possible consequences of bulimia nervosa
- 10.5 The causes of eating disorders
- 10.6 A sociocultural model of eating disorders
- 11.1 Focal psychoanalytic psychotherapy
- 11.2 The stages of change model
- 12.1 From healthy to disordered eating: A spectrum of diet
- 12.2 An integrated model of diet