The Psychology of Eating: From Healthy to Disordered Behavior

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96 The Meaning of Size

the fault of the individual, the characteristics associated with it reflect the
belief that it is something that could be avoided.


The media represent men more often and more positively than women,
and when women are portrayed their images are becoming increasingly thin.
Thinness is therefore intricately linked with attractiveness. And in the same
way that sex generates a wealth of complex associations, so does body size.
In particular, being overweight is associated with laziness and lethargy and
is considered a self-inflicted state, creating a sense of blame. In contrast,
thinness means control, freedom, and success.

Towards an integrated model of diet

Food choice is studied as a means to understand and promote healthy
eating. Psychological models of food choice focus on individual pre-
dictors of eating behavior but marginalize the social meanings which
surround this behavior. The previous chapter outlined the mean-
ings associated with food, but whatever is eaten has the potential to
change body size. Therefore food choice also takes place within the
context of the meaning of body size and shape. This chapter has
explored these meanings and suggested that the physical attribute
of size is loaded with behavioral, role, and personality associations.
These meanings can generate weight concern, which can both pro-
hibit and promote food choice. The next two chapters explore
weight concern, with a focus on body dissatisfaction and dieting.
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