The Psychology of Eating: From Healthy to Disordered Behavior

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10 Healthy Eating

of each of these groups. Current recommendations are illustrated in
figure 2.1; these are as follows:

  • Fruit and vegetables: A wide variety of fruit and vegetables should be
    eaten, and preferably five or more servings should be eaten per day
    (National Heart Forum, 1997).

  • Bread, pasta, other cereals, and potatoes: Plenty of complex carbohy-
    drate foods should be eaten, preferably those high in fiber.

  • Meat, fish, and alternatives: Moderate amounts of meat, fish, and
    alternatives should be eaten, and it is recommended that the low-fat
    varieties are chosen.

  • Milk and dairy products: These should be eaten in moderation, and
    the low-fat alternatives should be chosen where possible.

  • Fatty and sugary foods: Food such as potato chips, candy, and sugary
    drinks should be consumed infrequently and in small amounts.

Other recommendations for a healthy diet include a moderate intake of
alcohol (a maximum of 3 – 4 units per day for men and 2 – 3 units per day
for women), the consumption of fluoridated water where possible, a

Figure 2.1 Healthy eating. (Source: The balance of good health, reprinted by
permission of the Health Education Authority 1994.)

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