FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Financial Background

Rockefeller (John D. Rockefeller’s brother), William K. Vanderbilt, and
George F. Baker (who founded Harvard Business School with a gift of
$5 million) for $125,000 from Eugene du Bignon, whose family owned it
for a century. Up until the time it was converted into a public resort, no
uninvited foot ever stepped on its shores. It was said, that when all 100
members of the Jekyll Island Hunting Club sat down for dinner at the
clubhouse, it represented a sixth of the world’s wealth. St. Simons
Island, a short distance away, to the north, was also owned by
Illuminati interests.

Those attending the meeting at the private hunting lodge were said to
be on a duck-hunting expedition. They were sworn to secrecy, even
addressing each other by code names or just by their first names.
Details are very sketchy, concerning who attended the meeting, but
most scenarios agree that the following people were present: Sen.
Aldrich, Frank A. Vanderlip (Vice-President of the Rockefeller owned
National City Bank), Henry P. Davison (of the J. P. Morgan and Co.),
Abraham Piatt Andrew (Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, an
Assistant Professor at Harvard, and Special Assistant to the National
Monetary Commission during their European tour), Paul Moritz
Warburg (of Kuhn, Loeb and Co.), Benjamin Strong (Vice-President of
Morgan’s Bankers Trust Co.), Eugene Meyer (a former partner of
Bernard Baruch, and the son of a partner in the Rothschild-owned
Lazard Freres, who was the head of the War Finances Corporation, and
later gained control of the Washington Post), J. P. Morgan, John D.
Rockefeller, Col. House, Jacob Schiff, Herbert Lehman (of Lehman
Brothers), Bernard Baruch (appointed by President Wilson to be the
Chairman of the War Industries Board, which gave him control of all
domestic contacts for Allied war materials, which enabled him to make
$200 million for himself while working for the government), Joseph
Seligman (a leading Jewish financier, who founded J. & W. Seligman
and Co., who had helped to float bonds during the Civil War, and were
known as ‘World Bankers,’ then later declined President Grant’s offer
to serve as the Secretary of Treasury), and Charles D. Norton
(President of the First National Bank of New York).

About ten days later, they emerged with the groundwork for a central
banking system, in the form of, not one, but two versions, to confuse
the opposition. The final draft was written by Frank Vanderlip, from
Warburg’s notes, and was incorporated into Aldrich’s Bill, in the form
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