FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Financial Background

of a completed Monetary Commission report, which Aldrich railroaded
through Congress by avoiding the term ‘central bank.’ No information
was available on this meeting until 1933, when the book The Federal
Reserve Act: It’s Origins and Problems, by James L. Laughlin,
appeared; and other information, which was supplied by B. C. Forbes,
the editor of Forbes Magazine. In 1935, Frank Vanderlip wrote in the
Saturday Evening Post: “I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of
our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual
conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System.”

The banker-initiated mini-depressions, the last of which had occurred
in 1907, helped get Congressional support for the Bill, and on May 11,
1911, the National Citizens League for the Promotion of a Sound
Banking System, an Illuminati front-organization, publicly announced
their support for Aldrich’s Bill. However, the Aldrich Bill was destined
for failure, because he was so closely identified with J. P. Morgan. So,
the Illuminati went to Plan B, which was the second version hammered
out at the Jekyll Island summit. The National Citizens League publicly
withdrew their support of the Aldrich Bill, and the move was on to
disguise it, so that it could get through Congress.

Once the new version was ready, they were a little apprehensive about
introducing it in Congress, because even if it would be passed by
Congress, President Taft would veto it, so they had to wait until they
could get their own man elected. That man was Woodrow Wilson.

The Democrats, with the exception of Grover Cleveland’s election, had
been out of power since 1869. Being a ‘hungry’ Party, the Illuminati
found them easier to infiltrate. During the late 1800’s, they began the
process of changing the Democrats from conservative to liberal, and
the Republicans, from liberal to conservative.

Wilson graduated from Princeton University in 1879, studied law at the
University of Virginia, and received his doctorate degree from Johns
Hopkins in 1886. He taught Political Science and History at Bryn Mawr
and Wesleyan, and in 1902, became President of Princeton. Because of
his support of Aldrich’s Bill, when it was first announced, he was
supported by the Illuminati in his successful bid as Governor of New
Jersey in 1910. The deal was made through Vanderlip agents, William
Rockefeller and James Stillman, at Vanderlip’s West Chester estate.
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