FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Financial Background

The liaison between the Illuminati and Wilson, would be his
prospective son-in-law, William G. McAdoo.

Rabbi Stephen Wise, a leading Jewish activist, told an audience at the
Y.M.C.A. in Trenton, New Jersey: “On Tuesday the President of
Princeton University will be elected Governor of your state. He will not
complete his term of office as Governor. In November, 1912, he will be
elected President of the United States. In March, 1917, he will be
inaugurated for the second time as President. He will be one of the
greatest Presidents in American history.” Wise, who made this
prophetic statement in 1910, later became a close advisor to Wilson.
He had good reason to believe what he said, because the deal had
already been struck. Wilson wasn’t viewed as being pro-banking, and
the Democratic Party Platform opposed a Central Bank, which was
now linked to the Republicans and the bankers.

The main problem for the Democrats, was the Republican voting edge,
and their lack of money. After the Illuminati made the decision to
support Wilson, money was no problem. Records showed that the
biggest contributors to Wilson’s campaign were Jacob Schiff, Bernard
Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, Sr., Thomas Fortune Ryan (mining
magnate), Samuel Untermyer, Cleveland H. Dodge (of the National City
Bank), Col. George B. M. Harvey (an associate of J. P. Morgan, and
editor of the Morgan-controlled Harper’s Weekly, and President of the
Harper and Brothers publishing firm), William Laffan (editor of the New
York Sun), Adolph Ochs (publisher of the New York Times), and the
financiers that owned the New York Times, Charles R. Flint, Gen. Sam
Thomas, J. P. Morgan, and August Belmont. All of these men were
Illuminati members.

The problem of the voter registration edge was a bit more difficult, but
that was a project that the Illuminati had already been working on. The
Russian pogroms of 1881 and 1882, in which thousands of Russians
were killed; and religious persecution and anti-Semitism in Poland,
Romania, and Bulgaria in the early 1890’s, began three decades of
immigration into the United States by thousands of Jews. By the turn
of the century, a half-million Jews had arrived to the port cities of New
York, Baltimore, and Boston. It was the Democrats who initiated a
program to get them registered to vote. Humanitarian committees were
set up by Schiff and the Rothschilds, such as the Hebrew Immigration
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