FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Financial Background

Aid Society, and the B’nai B’rith, so when the Jews arrived, they were
made naturalized citizens, registered Democrat, then shuffled off to
other large cities, such as Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit and Los
Angeles, where they were given financial help to find a place to live,
food, and clothing. This is how the Jews became a solid Democratic
voting bloc, and it was these votes that would be needed to elect
Wilson to the Presidency.

In 1912, with President William Howard Taft running for re-election
against Wilson, the Illuminati needed some insurance. They got it by
urging another Republican, former President, Theodore Roosevelt
(1901-09) to run on the Progressive ticket. Taft had served as
Roosevelt’s Secretary of War (1905-09), and was chosen by Roosevelt
to succeed him as President. Now, Roosevelt was running again.
Advocating the ‘New Nationalism,’ Roosevelt said: “My hat is in the
ring ... the fight is on and I am stripped to the buff.” Identified as ‘anti-
business’ because of his stand against corporations and trusts, his
proposals for reorganizing the government were attacked by the
Illuminati-controlled New York Times as “super-socialism.” His ‘Bull
Moose’ Platform said: “We are opposed to the so-called Aldrich
Currency Bill because its provisions would place our currency and
credit system in private hands, not subject to effective public control.”
Frank Munsey and George Perkins, of the J. P. Morgan and Co.
organized, ran, and financed Roosevelt’s campaign. A recent example
of the same plan that pulled votes away from Taft, in order to get
Wilson elected, occurred in the 1992 Presidential election. In a 1994
interview, Barbara Bush told ABC-TV news correspondent Barbara
Walters, that the third-party candidacy of independent H. Ross Perot
was the reason that Bill Clinton was able to defeat the re-election bid
of President George Bush.

The Illuminati was able to get the support of perennial Democratic
Presidential candidate, William Jennings Bryan, by letting him write
the plank of the Party Platform which opposed the Aldrich Bill.
Remember, the second version of the Bill prepared at Jekyll Island was
to be an alternative, so public attention was turned against the Aldrich
Bill. Wilson, an aristocrat, having socialistic views, was in favor of an
independent reserve system, because he didn’t trust the ‘common
men’ which made up Congress. However, publicly, he promised to
“free the poor people of America from control by the rich,” and to have
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