FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Financial Background

The first United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference, held in
Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, from July 1 to July 22, 1944, which
was under the direction of Harry Dexter White (CFR member, and
undercover Russian spy), established the policies of the International
Monetary Fund. Its goals were to strip the United States of its gold
reserves by giving it to other nations; and to merge with their
industrial capabilities; as well as their economic, social, educational
and religious policies; to facilitate a one-world government.

Because of paying off foreign obligations and strengthening foreign
economies, between 1958 and 1968, the amount of gold bullion in the
possession of the U.S. Treasury dropped by 52%. Of the amount
remaining, $12 billion was reserved by law for backing the paper
money in circulation. Our money had been backed by a 25% gold
reserve in accordance to a law that was passed in 1945, but it was
rescinded in 1968. The amount of gold slipped from 653.1 million troy
ounces in 1957, to 311.2 million ounces in 1968, which according to the
Treasury Department, was due to sales to foreign banking institutions,
sales to domestic producers, and the buying and selling of gold on the
world market to stabilize prices. This was a loss of 341.9 million troy
ounces. In August, 1971, gold was used only for world trade, because
foreign countries wouldn’t accept U.S. dollars. As of November, 1981,
sources had indicated that the gold reserve had dropped to 264.1
million troy ounces.

Title 31 of the U.S. Code, requires an annual physical inventory of our
gold supply, but a complete audit was never done, so officially,
nobody knows what has occurred. After World War II, America had
70% of the World’s supply of loose gold, but today, we may have less
than 7%. Sen. Jesse Helms seemed to think that the OPEC nations
have our gold, while others believe that 70% of the world’s gold supply
is being held by the World Bank, which is dominated by the financial
grip of the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers.

Some years ago, I had been contacted by a gentleman in Michigan,
whose research indicated that counterfeit $5,000 and $10,000 Federal
Reserve Notes had been used to steal U.S. gold reserves. Illegal to
own, these notes are actually checks which are used to transfer
ownership of large amounts of gold without actually moving the gold
itself. Using public records, he found the serial numbers of the bills
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