FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Financial Background

has a responsibility to protect the inalienable rights of its citizens, as
granted by the Constitution, rather than to grant privileges, known as
civil rights, which are decided by the will of the majority. When the
sovereign state citizen gave power to the State Constitution, which
created State Government; this in turn gave power to the U.S.
Constitution, which created the Federal Government; which has, in a
sense, incorporated and gave power to the United States Government;
which has turned the U.S. citizen into a subject of the U.S.
Government. Therefore, the Federal Government has been able to
wield its influence over the entire country, rather than just the area
referred to as the District.

This is possible, because, for all intents and purposes, there are two of
every state. For example, the official name of Pennsylvania is the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; but to the U.S. Government, it is
known as the State of Pennsylvania. There are even two state flags.
One with a gold fringe, which represents the State of Pennsylvania,
and martial law under the U.S. Government; and one without the fringe,
which represents the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The gold-
fringed flag was reserved for use by the General of the Army, where it
was present at military headquarters and displayed at court martials.
Its use elsewhere, as a government battle flag, was only to be done at
the discretion of the President, within his role as the Commander-in-
Chief of the military, to establish the jurisdiction of the military
presence. This gold-fringed flag, which is common in many public
places, such as courthouses, and schools, is not the national flag
which represents our constitutional republic. It is a symbol of federal
government jurisdiction.

When Franklin D. Roosevelt was inaugurated on March 4, 1933, he
called for an emergency session of Congress on March 9th, where the
Emergency Banking Relief Act (also known as the War Powers Act,
which seized all the country’s constitutional gold and silver coinage)
was passed, which gave FDR the power to issue any order, and do
anything he felt was necessary to run the country, without restriction,
by authority of the Trading with the Enemy Act of October 6, 1917
(which placed all German citizens under the authority of the President,
because they were enemies of the U.S.).

In 1917, Chapter 106, Section 2, subdivision (c), of the Trading with the
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