FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Bringing the World Together

pyramid, with an eye in the capstone and a Latin inscription around it.
This seems to be a continuation of the Masonic symbolism found on
the front. The number thirteen is displayed prominently, and was
thought to have referred to the thirteen colonies. However, the number
thirteen was a mystical number to the Egyptians and Babylonians, and
also the Masons.

There are:

13 stars in the crest
13 stripes and bars in the shield
13 olive leaves
13 olives
13 arrows in the right claw
13 feathers in the arrows
13 letters in “Annuit Coeptis”
13 letters in “E Pluribus Unum”
13 courses of stone in the pyramid
13 X 9 dots in the divisions around the crest

It has been said that the cluster of 13 five-pointed stars above the head
of the eagle is actually a representation of a hexagram, which is the
most evil of all occult symbols, and is used to invoke Satan.

This is not to be confused with the Star of David, Mogen David, or Seal
of Solomon, which consists of two interlaced equilateral triangles,
which symbolize the union of God and man.

There are 32 long feathers on the right wing which represent the 32
degrees in Scottish Rite Masonry, and there are 33 feathers on the left,
which represent the 33 degrees of York Rite Freemasonry. The
pyramid has thirteen levels, said to represent the 13 bloodlines; and
within the capstone is an eye. It is not the eye of God, as we have been
taught to believe. It stems from Masonic tradition, where it is known as
the ‘Eye of Horus’ (the Sun God), or the ‘All-Seeing Eye,’ which refers
to the protection of Providence, “whose eye never slumbers nor
sleeps,” alluding to the ‘Big Brother’ system of constant surveillance.
To the Illuminati, it represents the eye of Satan, who its members
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