FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Bringing the World Together

The pyramid represents the organizational structure of the Illuminati,
and the capstone containing the eye, represents the House of
Rothschild, who control the group, and have perpetuated the goal of
one-world government. Some sources claim that on the top level, the
1st block represents the Council of 13 (the 13 most powerful witches),
the 2nd block represents the Council of 33 (33 highest ranking Masons
in the world), and the 3rd block is the Council of 500 (500 richest
people and corporations in the world).

According to the original Treasury Department press release of August
15, 1935, which gave details of the symbol being put on the back of the
one dollar bill, said the following: “The eye and triangular glory
symbolize an all-seeing Deity. The pyramid is the symbol of strength
and its unfinished condition denoted the belief of the designers of the
Great Seal that there was still work to be done.” Notice they said
“Deity,” and not “God.”

The news release indicated that the Latin phrase “Annuit Coeptis” is
translated as “he (God) favored our undertakings,” and comes from
Virgil’s ‘audacibus annue coeptis’ or “favor my daring undertaking,”
which refers to the ‘golden’ age during which the ‘Saturnian’ (Saturn
was the father of Osiris) kingdom shall return. “Novus Ordo Seclorum”
is translated as ‘a new order of the ages,’ which is taken from Virgil’s
‘magnus ab integro seclorum nascitur ordo’ or “the great series of
ages begins anew.” To the Illuminati, the combination of these two
Latin phrases is translated as: “Announcing the Birth of a New Secular

The date 1776, found at the base of the pyramid in Roman numerals,
doesn’t refer to July 4th, the date of the country’s independence; but
May 1st, when the Illuminati was founded. May 1st is also an
international holiday for all workers, known as May Day, which was
established in 1889 at the International Socialist Congress.

Now, take a pen, and on the seal on the left side of the bill, find the
word “Annuit” and draw a circle around the first letter ‘A.’ Find the
word “Coeptis” and draw a circle around the last letter ‘S.’ Find the
word “Novus” and draw a circle around the first letter ‘N.’ Find the
word “Ordo” and draw a circle around the last letter ‘O.’ Find the word
‘Seclorum’ and draw a circle around the last letter ‘M.’ Now, take your
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