FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Domestic Tampering

held the highest position a Black could have in the Communist Party,
said in his 1958 book Color, Communism and Common Sense, that he
quit, because he felt Russia was attempting to involve them in a
bloody revolution where as many as five million Blacks would die.
Another Negro Communist, Leonard Patterson, testified on November
18, 1950: “I left the Communist Party because I became convinced ...
that the Communist Party was only interested in promoting among the
Negro people a national liberational movement that would aid the
Communist Party in its efforts to create a proletarian revolution in the
United States that would overthrow the government by force and
violence through bloody full-time revolution, and substitute it with a
Soviet form of government with a dictatorship of the proletariat.”

The May, 1968 issue of Political Affairs, the voice of the Communist
Party, wrote after the death of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “The
Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr., the voice, inspiration and symbol of
the Negro people’s struggle for freedom and equality, is dead ... The
man who, more than anyone else, personified the heroic determination
of the Black people to win their liberation now. One of humanity’s great
leaders has been silenced forever ... We must see that his memory not
be desecrated. We must not fail to do all in our power to realize the
dream for which he died.”

King, the most powerful Black leader in the country, was a pawn of the
Illuminati. He supported North Vietnam during the War, and was
photographed in 1957 at the Highlander Folk School, a communist
training school in Tennessee, with Abner Berry, who held a post on the
Central Committee of the Communist Party. The Joint Legislative
Committee on Un-American Activities reported that his Southern
Christian Leadership Conference was “substantially under the control
of the Communist Party through the influence of the Southern
Conference Educational Fund and the communists who manage it.”
King had connections with over 60 communist front organizations.
Nine of his closest aides were high-ranking communist activists and
one of those later became an aide to Rev. Jesse Jackson. Stanley
Levison, who had been a King advisor since 1956, had been involved
with the Communist Party up to 1955, and brought other known
communists onto King’s staff.

Rev. Uriah J. Fields, King’s secretary during the early years, wrote
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