FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

In 1910, a group of international bankers secretly met on a small
island off the coast of Georgia. Their plan: to formulate a program
to destroy the financial structure of America. To do that, they
pushed Woodrow Wilson into the presidency; and in 1913, Wilson
signed into law, the Federal Reserve Act and the Federal Income
Tax. In 1921, these international bankers established the Council
on Foreign Relations (CFR). The U.S. Government took advantage
of the CFR’s experience in finance and foreign affairs, and one of
their study groups, the Advisory Committee on Post-War Foreign
Policy, became part of the State Department in 1941. The secret
goal of this study group was to condition the Congress, and the
people of this country to accept the establishment of the United
Nations (UN). The UN, initiated in 1945, does not seek to promote
world peace and cooperation– it was the first step towards a one-
world government, which is now referred to as the New World

The CFR is a subsidiary of the Round Table Organization, a group
of British Elitists controlled by the most powerful family in the
world– the Rothschilds, who, through an organization known as
the Illuminati, have been controlling world events since 1776. The
Illuminati controls world leaders and the money that runs their
countries. They can elect a President, and they can kill a
President. They can shut-off the oil, and plunge the world into
war. Even though they operate under the strictest secrecy, their
goals have been known for over 2,000 years.

Here’s what people have said about this book–

Final Warning “reflects an amazing digest of monumental
resource material involving a multitude of viewpoints and
positions on the conspiratorial concept of history. You are to be
congratulated for the exhaustive research this work represents ...
(it) is an invaluable reference for the serious political science
adept.” (2 of 10)31-10-2004 06:24:

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