FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny





When you talk about tracing the origin of an organization which is
controlling the destiny of the world, it’s obvious that you have to start
at a period which would allow a movement of this magnitude, time to
ferment. Changes like the ones which have, and are occurring do not
take place overnight. We are dealing with a group which must have
been growing for a long period of time, in order to obtain the power
and influence necessary to achieve the global control now being
exercised. When you think of it in that context, there is such a group.
The Illuminati.

The leader of the Illuminati was a man named, Dr. Adam Weishaupt,
who was born on February 6, 1748, the son of a Jewish rabbi. When his
father died in 1753, he was converted to Catholicism by Baron Johann
Adam Ickstatt, who turned the early training of the boy over to the
Jesuits. Ickstatt, in 1742, had been appointed by the Jesuits to be the
curator of the University in order to reorganize it. He had retired in
1765, but still controlled its policies.

Although Weishaupt later became a priest, he developed a distinct
hatred for the Jesuits, and became an atheist. Given access to the
private library of Ickstatt, his godfather, the young man became
interested in the works of the French philosophers, and studied law,
economics, politics, and history. One such philosopher, Voltaire (1694-
1778), a revolutionary who held liberal religious views, had written in a
letter to King Frederick II (‘the Great’, a Mason): “Lastly, when the
whole body of the Church should be sufficiently weakened and
infidelity strong enough, the final blow (is) to be dealt by the sword of
open, relentless persecution. A reign of terror (is) to be spread over
the whole earth, and ... continue while a Christian should be found
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