FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

obstinate enough to adhere to Christianity.” It is believed that
Weishaupt got his ideas concerning the destruction of the Church
from Voltaire’s writings. He studied in France, where he met
Robespierre (who later led the French Revolution), and became friends
with a few people in the French Royal Court. It is believed, that through
these contacts, he was introduced to Satanism.

He graduated from the Bavarian University in Ingolstadt, Germany in

  1. He served four years as a tutor until he was promoted to
    Assistant Instructor. In 1770, he was chosen by Mayer Amschel
    Rothschild to develop an organization that he could use. In 1772,
    Weishaupt was made Professor of Civil Law. In 1773, he was made
    Professor of Canon Law, a post which had been held by the Jesuits for
    90 years. They had founded most of the Universities, and kept strict
    control of them in order to eliminate Protestant influence.

In 1773, Weishaupt got married, against the wishes of Ickstatt, who
denounced him. Two years later, at the age of 27, he was made Dean of
the Faculty of Law. The Jesuits, worried about his quick progression,
tried to thwart his influence by secretly plotting against him, and his
liberal thinking. Not wanting to become a martyr for his free-thinking
ideas, he began focusing on establishing his organization. To confuse
his detractors, he based the organizational structure on the one used
by the Jesuits, however, his intention was to have a secret coalition of

He studied the anti-Christian doctrines of the Manicheans, whose
teachings revolved around astrology, medicine, and magic. He had
been indoctrinated into Egyptian occult practices by an unknown
merchant named Kolmer, from Jutland (the area around the border of
Denmark and West Germany), who had been traveling around Europe
since 1771. He studied the power of the Eleusinian mysteries and the
influence exerted by the secret cult of the Pythagoreans. Pythagoras
was a 6th century B.C., philosopher who taught that men and women
should combine their belongings– which became the basic philosophy
behind Communism. Weishaupt also studied the teachings of the
Essenes, and acquired copies of the Kabala, The Major Key of
Solomon, and The Lesser Key of Solomon, which revealed how to
conjure up demons and perform occult rituals.
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