FINAL WARNING: The Communist Agenda
They are aided by specially trained Communist Party members
and fellow travelers. The conservative estimate by Western
security experts is that at least half a million men and women are
at work all over the world, bringing about the downfall of the
profit-making economic system.”
In 1920, Lenin talked about their plans: “The communists in Western
Europe and America must ... strive everywhere to awaken the masses,
and draw them into the struggle ... It is difficult to do this in Western
Europe and America, but it can be done and must be done.
Propaganda, agitation and organization inside the armed movements
and among the oppressed must be coordinated in a new way.” In 1921,
he came up with the idea of spreading communism through trade
unions, youth organizations, cooperatives, and other associations.
This idea was taken even further by Otto Kuusinen, a Finland
Communist, who at a meeting of the Comintern Executive Committee
in March, 1926, advocated the creation of a “whole solar system of
organizations and smaller committees around the Communist Party ...
actually working under the influence of the Party, but not under its
mechanical control.” The organizations were developed by Willi
Munzenberg, a German communist. Their aim was to further the cause
of Soviet communism, and act as a cover, if communism was illegal, in
order to spread propaganda.
Stalin said, during a secret meeting of the Kremlin’s Inner Circle, in
March, 1948:
“Comrades, it is imperative that we create an entirely new type of
fighting force. It will operate first in the most advanced capitalist
countries, and later in other countries. This fighting force will
consist of devoted and trained comrades who will have no
connection with the Communist Party whatsoever. These
comrades will operate undercover, as do our intelligence officers
and spies who are working abroad. This special force will control
networks of other undercover comrades, who will also have no
outward connection with the Communist Party of their country ...
The objective of this fighting force is to speed up the
development of revolutionary situations and spread awareness of
how unrest, public disturbance, disorders and industrial
dissatisfaction can bring about a breakdown of the capitalist