FINAL WARNING: The Communist Agenda
Khabarovsk, was for Asian and Middle East countries; and the Novaya
Ace Spy School, near Tashkent, was for the African countries.
Another Soviet Spy School was located in Gaczyna, in a 425 square
mile area along the southern border of the Tarter Autonomous Soviet
Republic, and continuing to the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Republic.
It was sealed off for a radius of thirty miles by State Security, and the
location was so secret, that it was not shown on any map. It was
known to only the highest officers of the Secret Service. The School
was developed for those selected to work in the English-speaking
world, and was divided into three sections: the northern section was
for North America and Canada; the northeastern section was for the
United Kingdom; and the southern area was for Australia, New
Zealand, India, and South Africa. There was no communication
between the different areas.
In the United Kingdom section, the candidate would live in actual
British-style homes, hotels, and apartments, which were full-size
replicas of actual English buildings, on actual streets. There were
British banks, restaurants, theaters, and a Post Office, all in a sixty
square mile area. Here the recruit ate British food, wore British clothes,
rode London buses, and received a weekly salary dispensed in British
currency, read English papers and magazines, and watched English
television shows. The recruits were given English names, and were
ordered to speak only English, which they were given five years to
master. They had to learn all necessary British customs.
During the second five years, they memorized unbreakable codes, and
were taught how to assemble and dismantle radio receivers and
transmitters; and were taught how to use photographic equipment to
reduce blueprints, records, and documents into microdots. They were
given further instruction in guerrilla warfare.
After this intensive training, the recruit was, in almost every way,
British. Each agent was smuggled into the country of their training,
which in this case was England. They would never again see their
families. They would be given actual identification and ‘cover’
documents from people who were dead or missing, so that a
background check couldn’t reveal their true identities. Within their new
identity, they became involved in public life, working to undermine the