FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Communist Agenda

“Because the United States of America is our Enemy Number One,
even more ruthless action is called for in that country.”

When Khrushchev came to America, he referred to Americans as
“peace-loving,” and his “true and loved friends,” and after being
presented with a gavel made from the wood of one of California’s
Redwood trees, said: “I will use it for the first time when I strike it, in
triumph, on the table, the day we sign a Pact of Nonaggression and
Eternal Love between the Soviet Union and America; and a second
time when we sign a Treaty of Disarmament with all the nations of the
world. I await with impatience my talks with your President
(Eisenhower), hoping that our two hearts will be prompted to reach
agreement and establish conditions of peace and friendship.”

The Special Committee of Investigation for the United Mine Workers of
America, said in a Report:

“The major points in this revolutionary program of the
Communists are:
1) Overthrow and destruction of the Federal, State, and Provincial
governments, with the elimination of existing constitutional forms
and foundations.
2) Establishment of a Soviet dictatorship, absolute in its exercise
of power, owing allegiance to, and conceding the authority only of
the Communist, or Third Internationale, at Moscow, as a
‘governmental’ substitute.
3) Destruction of all social, economic, and political institutions
as they exist at this time.
4) Seizure of all labor unions through a process of ‘boring from
within’ them, and utilizing them as a strategic instrument in
fulfillment of their revolutionary designs upon organized and
constitutional government.”

In 1960, American subversives received a new directive from Moscow:

“1) Comrades working in telegraph, teleprinter, and telephone
services must organize an effective monitoring system to
intercept important communications, and enable the Party to
learn what is going on inside the U.S. Government, the Security
forces, industry, and in all other important establishments.
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