FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

was revealed: “Behold our secret ... in order to destroy all Christianity,
all religion, we have pretended to have the sole true religion ... to
deliver one day the human race from all religion.”

Women were also enlisted. He wrote: “There is no way of influencing
men so powerful, as by means of women. These should therefore be
our chief study; we should insinuate ourselves into their good opinion,
give them hints of emancipation from the tyranny of public opinion,
and of standing up for themselves...” He also wrote: “This sex has a
large part of the world in their hands.” Female members were divided
into two groups: one group of society women, to give the organization
an air of respectability; and the other group “who would help to satisfy
those brothers who have a penchant for pleasure.” The Illuminati also
used monetary and sex bribery to gain control of men in high places,
then blackmailed them with the threat of financial ruin, public
exposure, and fear of death.

Internal fighting soon developed because of Weishaupt’s thirst for
power. Besides that, because only nominal dues were collected, the
Order suffered financially.

In 1780, a new member, Baron Franz Friedrich Knigge (1752-1796), was
recruited, and given the pseudonym of ‘Philo.’ Knigge was born on
October 16, 1752. He studied law at Gottingen, served in the courts of
Hesse-Cassel and Weimar, and was a well-known writer of romance,
poetry and philosophy. He joined the Masonic lodge of Strict
Observance, which was dedicated to the elimination of the occult
sciences, which were widely practiced. Unable to do that, they were
forced to accept it. Knigge achieved the rank of Brother Commander,
and had the title of Knight of the Swan. He assisted in the
establishment of a new Masonic lodge at Hanau. Because of his
developing exposure and interest in the occult, magic and alchemy, he
joined the Rosicrucians, a secret organization that dated back to the
fourteenth century, and reportedly was an occult group who
participated in human sacrifice rituals.

He later renounced alchemy, and devoted his studies to the
development of a form of Masonry that would allow man to regain the
perfection they once had before the fall of Adam and Eve. His idea was
to reform Masonry, and he was going to make these proposals at the
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