FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

There seems to be little doubt that the Rothschilds continue to
influence the world economy, and it is known that they are squarely
behind the movement to unite all the western European nations into a
single political entity, which is just another step towards one-world


Freemasons, or Masons, are members of a secret fraternal order
known as the Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, whose goals are,
supposedly, to promote brotherhood. One of the major sourcebooks of
Masonic doctrine is Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted
Scottish Rite of Masonry, written in 1871 by Albert Pike, and
considered to be the “Masons guide for daily living.” In it, he writes:
“Masonry is a search after Light...”

According to early Masonic manuscripts, its origins can be traced
back to Adam, who was said to be the first Mason. The apron of
Masonry allegedly represents the fig leaves worn by Adam and Eve in
the Garden of Eden. The knowledge received by Adam after eating
from the forbidden tree, was carried on by his son Seth, and then
Nimrod (who was responsible for the Tower of Babel), the great-
grandson of Noah. Dr. Albert Mackey (33rd Degree), in writing his
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, referred to the ‘York manuscript, No. 1’
that contained information from a parchment dating back to the year
1560, which identified Babylon as the originator of Masonry. He also
cited the Cooke Manuscript (“The Legend of the Craft,” which was
written in 1420, and is said to be the second oldest Masonic
manuscript), which reveals that Nimrod taught the craft of Masonry to
the workers at the Tower of Babel. When God confused their language,
these secrets were said to be lost.

When King Solomon was building the Temple, it is taught that
Freemasonry was revived. Mackey said that the “Masonic Lodges were
initially dedicated to King Solomon, because he was our first Most
Excellent Grand Master.” However, Martin L. Wagner revealed in An
Interpretation of Freemasonry that the “name Solomon is not the
Israelitish king. It is the name in form, but different in its meaning. It is
a substitute ... a composite, Sol-om-on, the names of the sun in Latin,
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