FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

Page and Bray families.

Deposited along with the unabridged copy of the New Atlantis were
other secret documents, including ancient writings that had been in
the possession of certain secret societies. One such artifact was the
‘Book of Thoth,’ which had been retrieved from a golden box out of an
inner sanctuary in an ancient Egyptian temple. Known as the ‘Sacred
Torch,’ the most important document ever given to Man, it is believed
that anyone who is able to decipher it will have their consciousness
enhanced to the point that they will be able to see the invisible
Immortals and enter the presence of the Superior Gods. Manley Hall
wrote in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages that the Book
“was lost to the Ancient World with the decay of the Mysteries, but its
faithful initiates carried it sealed to another land. The book is still in

The vault also contains instructions, maps, and documents that lead to
144 sacred burial sites of certain forefathers, patriots and early leaders
in our country that in turn contain original writings, diaries and
documentation that will prove how history has been rewritten today to
reflect the biased political views of certain leaders in this country. Hall
wrote in The Secret Destiny of America: “Not only were the founders of
the United States Government Masons, but they received aid from a
secret and august body existing in Europe, which helped them to
establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only
to the initiated few.”

Masonry was not always as it appears today. Many early Christian
patriots during the foundational period of American history were part
of the predominate York Rite, which promoted values, ethics, and
brotherhood among its members. It has been reported that true
Freemasonry Lodges were established in the cellars of Episcopalian
and Presbyterian Churches. It was the Illuminati infiltration of the
American Fraternal Lodges by the Jesuit-spawned Scottish Rite that
moved through the ranks like a virus to take them over from within.

It is believed that the vault also contains a quantity of gold, an original
edition of the supposed Bacon-edited King James Bible, inventions
that were ahead of its time, and a device that will enable their codes to
be deciphered.
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