FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for Destruction
as some maintain, because of the power it gave them; or, as Randall
Price maintains (in his book Secrets of the Dead Sea Scrolls), is all of
this talk just an effort to prevent serious consideration of the Scrolls
as verification and corroboration of the Bible.
Price quotes Professor Tov who said: “I would completely brush aside
any accusations of suppressed material. There is no evidence
whatsoever for this having been done by any Catholic source.” He also
quotes Joseph A. Fitzmyer, a Catholic scholar, and member of the
Scroll team who said: “The whole idea of a Vatican conspiracy to
suppress the Scrolls that it (the book The Dead Sea Scrolls Deception
by Baigent and Leigh) portrays is ludicrous nonsense.” Randall Price
then proceeds to completely unravel the whole conspiratorial
argument behind the delays as being because of the “condition of the
texts ... accessibility of the materials ... the political situation ... the
nature of the text assignments ... scholastic responsibilities ...
financial problems ... (and) human problems.” His argument is just as
My concern is that, where there is smoke, there may also be fire. Any
kind of association with the Rockefeller name brings with it the
influence of the ecumenical movement; and any kind of connection to
Catholicism brings with it the baggage of their pagan origins (see my
on-line book Controlled by the Calendar). Many eminent scholars have
tried to make a connection between the Scrolls and the Essenes, even
when the evidence for this is circumstantial at best. As I will discuss in
the next chapter, those who have tried to prove that Jesus faked his
crucifixion have also tried to link him with the Essenes. Even though
the Scrolls themselves indicate that the inhabitants of Qumran
engaged in the study of astrology and mysticism, this group has been
identified as the starting point for the philosophy which became
Christianity. So, if we are to believe some of the interpretations of the
Scrolls, that the teachings of Jesus were based on the philosophy of
the Essenes; this seriously damages His image as being the father of a
Religion that bears His name. Not only that, but it further diminishes
His divinity, which has increasingly come under attack.
When the last remnants of the Scrolls are published, those discovered
so far, and those yet to be discovered, some scholars have expressed
a wish for new versions of the Bible to reflect the ‘new’ information