FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for Destruction

the sun, Joseph was guiding the tableau like a puppeteer pulling
strings (Bible teacher David Ebaugh has linked Genesis 41:14-36,
dealing with Joseph’s interpretations of the Pharaoh’s dreams, with
the Book of Revelation; in addition, Joseph was known as the
“dreamer”). Rays of light burst forth from the baby, blending with
those of the sun, obliterating the Pharaoh from her sight. Off to the left,
Dixon saw Queen Nefertiti walking away, thousands of miles into the
past. She paused beside a large brown water jug, and as she stooped
to cup her hands and drink, she was stabbed in the back by a dagger.
She died and vanished. The baby, meanwhile, had grown to manhood,
and a small cross formed above him, expanding until it dripped over
the earth in every direction. At the same time, people of every race,
religion, and color, all knelt and lifted their arms in worship; and were
all as one.

Dixon interpreted this to mean that there was a child born somewhere
in the Middle East, shortly after February 5, 1962, of humble peasant
origin, possibly a direct descendent of Queen Nefertiti. Her husband,
Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (known as the great “Heretic King”) had
changed his name to Ikhnaton (which means, “He in whom Aton is
satisfied”), and built a city, Tell-el-Amarna, protected by impregnable
cliffs, to worship the sun god Aton (in 1375 BC). They had seven
daughters, but no sons. After his death, the priests of Amon took over.
Tutankhaton, who married the third daughter, became Pharaoh at the
age of twelve, and changed his name to Tutankhamon (the “image of
Amon”), destroying all traces of Atonism, and returning to the worship
of earlier gods. If the child isn’t a direct descendent, the sun could be a
symbol of the one world religion that is to come. When the Illuminati
was established, their secret code utilized the planetary symbol for the
sun to signify the Order. Dixon said: “There is no doubt in my mind
that the ‘child’ is the actual person of the Antichrist, the one who will
deceive the world in Satan’s name.”

Robert Mueller, a New Ager, is a former Assistant Secretary-General of
the UN, and a member of the board of Planetary Citizens. He suggested
that religions should “create common world religious institutions,”
and “display the UN flag in all houses of worship.” He has even called
for a universal Bible to be written. He said: “We must move as quickly
as possible to a one-world government; a one-world religion; under a
one-world leader.” He also said: “My great personal dream is to get a
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