FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for Destruction

New Ager William Irwin Thompson said in 1991: “We have a new
spirituality, what has been called the New Age movement. The
planetization of the esoteric has been going on for some time ... The
independent sovereign state, with the sovereign individual in his
private property are over just as the Christian fundamentalist days are
about to be over. We are fast becoming a planetary culture.” He also
said: “The new spirituality does not reject the earlier patterns of the
great universal religions. Priest and church will not disappear; they will
not be forced out of existence in the New Age, they will be absorbed
into the existence of the New Age.”

We can see New Age philosophy being advocated on television, and in
the movies. Even though there are New Age bookstores, New Age
material has become so popular that it is showing up in regular stores.
New Age meditation techniques have been secretly introduced into our
public schools as a means of handling problem kid. Subtly the New
Age message is entering the mainstream church. The 1970 song by
former Beatle member, George Harrison, “My Sweet Lord” (from the
album All Things Must Pass, which was, in fact, a rip-off of the
Chiffon’s song “He’s So Fine”) was accepted by many churches as a
Christian song, when in fact it was a song of dedication to Krishna,
and contained a chant to summon spirits (demons). He had been
involved with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and later converted to
Hinduism. I believe that the legal and societal headway gained in
recognizing same-sex relationships has to do with the fact that New
Age philosophy has weakened, watered-down, and worn-out the
message of the Church.

Robert Mueller said, while speaking at the Parliament of World
Religions: “Do not worry if not all the religions will join the United
Religions organization. Many nations did not join the UN at its
beginning, but later regretted it and made every effort to join. It was the
same with the European Community and it will be the case with the
world’s religions because whoever stays out or aloof will sooner or
later regret it.”

Dick Sutphen, a New Age advocate said that fundamentalism “is
extremely dangerous to the future of this planet and potential for a
New Age.” Barbara Marx Hubbard, Executive Director of the World
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