FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: Setting the Stage for Destruction

with a Pope called “Peter the Roman” who was the seventh Pope after
a Pope whose description resembled Pope Pius X. During his reign,
“the City of the Seven Hills will be destroyed, and the Awful Judge will
judge his people.” The seventh Pope is John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla),
from Krakow, Poland, who began his reign in 1978.

On April 7, 1970, it was reported that Mary appeared to Veronica
Lueken, and had made subsequent appearances to her at the St.
Robert Bellarmine Church in Bayside, New York, on the eve of the
great feast days of the Church. The messages received during these
visitations were recorded on tape, portions of which were revealed in a
newsletter known as Directives. The message given on October 6, 1976
said: “The plan of ... communism is to overthrow the rule in the Eternal
City, gain control in politics in a manner to control the world. They
seek to overthrow Rome, these agents of hell and atheism, My child;
they seek to overthrow Rome and gain control of the power of the
House of My Son throughout the world. They will subvert it from
within.” On May 13, 1978 came this message: “How I warned and
warned that Satan would enter into the highest realm of the hierarchy
in Rome. The Third Secret, My child, is that Satan would enter into My
Son’s Church.” Another message given on September 7, 1978 gave
more details: “Satan, Lucifer in human form, entered into Rome in the
year 1972. He cut off the rule, the role of the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI.
Lucifer controlled Rome and continues this control now.”

This seemed to echo what Pope Paul VI said on June 29, 1972, on the
anniversary of his coronation: “From some fissure the smoke of Satan
entered into the Temple of God.”

The “Third Secret” has become highly suspect, in that Speckin
Forensic Laboratories, a respected international firm, has analyzed the
document and compared it with past writings of Lucia, and concluded
that, “...based on the documents examined, that the questioned
document ‘Third Secret’ can not be identified with the purported
known writings of Sister Lucy.” In addition, she claimed to have
written it on one sheet of paper, which was confirmed by Cardinal
Ottaviani, who read it, and Bishop Venancio who was able to see it
through the envelope. Yet, what the Vatican released was four pages.
On top of that, while the language in the first two secrets was fairly
straight forward; whereas, in the third, Mary does not speak, it is
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