FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

symbols, secret calendar, geographical locations, insignias,
ceremonies of initiation, recruiting instructions, statutes, a partial
roster of members, and nearly 130 official seals from the government,
which were used to counterfeit state documents.

Needless to say, all of this information shed more light on the Order,
and the danger first realized by the government, had now become a
national emergency. In 1786, the government gathered all of the
confiscated documents, and published them in a book called Original
Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati, which was circulated
to every government and crowned head in Europe, including France, to
warn them of the impending danger.

The leaders of the Order who appeared before the government’s Court
of Inquiry, testified that the organization was dedicated to the
overthrow of church and state. However, these revelations, and the
publication of their documents, did little to alert the public, because of
their unbelievable claims. New measures were taken by government
officials. The leaders of the Order were arrested and formally
interrogated, then forced to renounce the Illuminati. The final blow
came on August 16, 1787, when Dalberg issued his final proclamation
against the Illuminati. Anyone found guilty of recruiting members were
to be executed, while those who were recruited, would have their
property confiscated and then be deported.

Zwack, who was banished, sought sanctuary in the Court of
Zweibrucken, where he was later appointed to an official position in
the principality of Salm-Kyburg. He contributed to the Illuminati
movement in Holland. He was later summoned by Dalberg, as the
government tried to deal with the problem of fugitives who might
attempt to reorganize the Order. Zwack fled to England.

On November 15, 1790, another Edict was announced against the
members of the organization. Anyone found to be an active member,
was to be put to death. The following year, a list of 91 names of alleged
members was compiled. They were hunted down, and banished. This
harassment didn’t end until 1799, when Dalberg died.

The apparent demise of the Order was taken into stride by its highest
members, who continued to operate underground. Weishaupt wrote:
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