FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

“The great care of the Illuminati after the publication of their secret
writings was to persuade the whole of Germany that their Order no
longer existed, that their adepts had all renounced, not only their
mysteries, but as members of a secret society.” Weishaupt had a
contingency plan ready, and wrote: “By this plan we shall direct all
mankind. In this manner, and by the simplest means, we shall set in
motion and in flames. The occupations must be allotted and contrived,
that we may in secret, influence all political transactions ... I have
considered everything and so prepared it, that if the Order should this
day go to ruin, I shall in a year re-establish it more brilliant than ever.”

To hide their subversive activities, the highest members of the Order
began to masquerade as humanitarians and philanthropists.
Weishaupt fled to Switzerland, later returning to Germany, where the
Duke of Saxe-Gotha gave him sanctuary. The Order moved their
headquarters to London, where it began to grow again. Weishaupt told
his followers to infiltrate the lodges of Blue Masonry, and to form
secret circles within them. Only Masons who proved themselves as
Internationalists, and were atheists, were initiated into the Illuminati.


Dr. Charles Frederick Bahrdt (1741-1793), an Illuminati member,
Mason, and German theologian, who was the professor of Sacred
Philogy at the University of Leipzig, took advantage of the Illuminati’s
apparent demise by recruiting several of its members for his so-called
‘German Union’ in 1787. Bahrdt, the son of a minister, called his group
the German Union for Rooting Out Superstition and Prejudices and
Advancing True Christianity.

In 1785, Bahrdt had received an anonymous letter, containing the
plans for the German Union, which was signed, “From some Masons,
your great admirers.” That same year, he was visited by an
Englishman who urged him to establish the Union, promising to link it
with the British Masonic structure. In 1787, he received another letter
containing more details and organizational details.

Bahrdt had done some religious propaganda work for Weishaupt, “to
destroy the authority of the Scriptures,” and it was commonly believed
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