FINAL WARNING: A History of the New World Order

(Dana P.) #1

FINAL WARNING: The Birth of Tyranny

returned to Italy in 1848 to lead the revolution against the Austrians.
Again he was exiled. In the 1850’s, he led more revolutionary activities,
and through his actions, Italy became united in 1861, as a single
kingdom, rather than the republic envisioned by Mazzini.

Mazzini, who became known as the ‘Evil Genius of Italy,’ tried to carry
on the activities of the Illuminati through the Alta Vendita Lodge, the
highest lodge of the Carbonari.

From 1814-48, the group known as the Haute Vente Romaine led the
activities of most of Europe’s secret societies. In April, 1836, the head
of the Haute Vente, whose pseudonym was ‘Nubius,’ wrote to ‘Beppo’:
“Mazzini behaves too much like a conspirator of melodrama to suit the
obscure role we resign ourselves to play until our triumph. Mazzini
likes to talk about a great many things, about himself above all. He
never ceases writing that he is overthrowing thrones and altars, that
he fertilizes the peoples, that he is the prophet of humanitarianism...”

In 1860, Mazzini had formed an organization called the ‘Oblonica,’ a
name derived from the Latin ‘obelus,’ which means: “I beckon with a
spit (dagger).” Within this group, he established an inner circle called
the Mafia.

About 1,000 AD, after the Normans had driven the Arabs out of Sicily,
they established a feudal system. Overseers to guard each feudi were
chosen from known criminals. Skirmishes between the Barons were
fought by these criminals. Although feudal privileges were abolished
in 1812, these overseers retained control of the land through leasing
arrangements. It was this band of criminals that Mazzini gave the name
‘Mafia’, which was an acronym for Mazzini, Autorizza, Furti, Incendi,
and Avvelengmenti. Known as the Mafiosi, they were authorized by
Mazzini to commit thefts, arson and murder. It was this organization
that came to America during the 1890’s with the beginning of Italian

In 1859, Albert Pike (1809-1891), a lawyer, and leader of the U.S.
Scottish Rite Masonry (who was called the ‘Sovereign Pontiff of
Universal Freemasonry,’ the ‘Prophet of Freemasonry’ and the
‘greatest Freemason of the nineteenth century’), who was fascinated
with the idea of a one-world government, was chosen to coordinate
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