Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
[ 19 43 ]

Rangeley , Maine

My dear Neill,


July 5, 1943

I did not hear from you for months, and I cannot make out
what the trouble is. This letter is only a short note to remind you that
we are still existing here, and that we wish to be kept informed constantly
about you personally, your work, your troubles and joys, and about
everything worth knowing.
I assume you received already Dr. Wolfe's letter in which he suggests
that you send to Sweden regularly copies of the book, The Discovery of
the Orgone, and issues of the journal. We cannot send them from here
because of transportation difficulties.
With my best wishes to you and all.

  • I •

Summerhill School
F estiniog, North Wales
August 3, 1943
My dear Reich,
I haven't written you for a long time. I wonder why. Mainly
because of a sense of failure and frustration in making your work known
over here. Journals and books came by post, and I had no clear idea
what Wolfe and you wanted me to do with them. I sent copies to
various scientists and publicists, and either got no reply or an adverse
one as I got from H. G. Wells, who read the 3 journals and wrote me:
"You have sent me an awful gabble of competitive quacks. Reich
misuses every other word, and Wolfe is a solemn ass. There is not a
gleam of fresh understanding in the whole bale."* Then the idea of a

* To this letter Neill replied:
Dear Wells,
I can't understand why you are so damned unpleasant about it. I considered
you the man with the broadest mind in England and sincerely wanted light on a
biological matter I wasn't capable of judging myself. Your Black Out letter might
have been written by Colonel Blimp. I hoped you would give an opinion on bions
and orgones, whether they are a new discovery or not, and all I got was a tirade
against Reich. You apply the word "quack" to a man whom Freud considered
brilliant, a man who has slaved for years in a lab seeking truth.
I grant that I asked for it. I intruded. I apologise and ..• being a Scot .••
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