Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
Rangeley , Maine

[ 19 43 ]

August 27, 1943
My dear Neill:.

Your letter of August 3rd reached me yesterday. I had felt al\

the time during the last two months that something had gone wrong. I
am glad that you told me about your doubts. Now I want to meet your
frankness, and be frank myself. You remember that I wrote you several
months ago, asking you not to bother yourself with convincing people
and getting support from so-called specialists who have nothing whatso­
ever to do with Orgone biophysics. I firmly believe it is your own fault
that you got a sense "of failure and frustrat�on" in making my work
known. I really don't care whether my work is known. or not, I only
care· about whether what I described is true. I want you to believe
what I am saying: I don't care. So please, do not send any journals and
any books any.more to anyone. Let people come to you if they wish to.
As to H. G. Wells: You ought to have known that this man is a
philosopher and a representative of just the kind of meGhanistic science
which brought this world to the verge of ruin, and which incited the
press campaign in Norway against my work. I know Wells: He is a big

balloon, blown up with nothing-gas,�ho is in dang,e� of bursting any

time out of mere conceit and good-for-nothingness. You should have
understood why he became so unpleasant. Some years ago he wrote a
book about natural science .. So when he met orgone biophysics, he
sensed no doubt that he was an ass to have written a book about
natural science about a decade or two too early. If you care, you can
let him know what I said just now.
As to yourself: I do not understand why you wish to confirm my
biological theory. The main thing is whether it makes sense to you. If
it does not, why care? If it does, why not rely on your own impression?
You say that you an� not educated in science. But nobody in this
world is as yet educated in orgone biophysics. I really wish out of our
old friendship, that you would not add the troubles of the pioneering
work in orgone biophysics-which has nothing to do with electricity­
to your own worries in the field of education. I would not like to have
,our friendship clouded quite unnecessarily. The matter. of orgone
physics and biophysics is not a question of belief or disbelief, it is a
matter of observation and experience. As to the physicists, I have no·t.
only lost all the respect I had for physics, I regret' to have to say that I
would never have dared imagine how bad their thinking is, how con-

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