Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1
III [ 19 44 ]

sponsibility. Your pedagogy means responsibility, but what he wants is
orders. Therefore, your things are out of time, but they are never out
of date.
What I think of Sexology? I think it is far from what it ought to be.
And yet, when I started out in sexual mental hygiene nearly 20 years
ago, a monthly journal like Sexology was unthinkable. Then you had
only pornography, and Sexology means, in spite of all, a definite step
forward in making the mass of the people accustomed to the fact that
they are basically sexual animals. In about 500 years, maybe, the mass
of inhabitants of this earth will recognize the fact that if they kill the
natural sexuality in their children, and if they don't let them act ac­
cording to natural laws, the tissues and mental capacities of these
children will surely be choked. For several months I've carried the
idea around with me to write a long open letter to the so-called little
common man, not excluding myself, telling him a bit of truth about him­
self. You know, it is funny, everybody speaks today of the coming age
of the common man. If an engineer is about to build a bridge, he is
bound first of all to make a survey of his skills, tools and shortcomings,
but nobody seems ready or willing to make a survey of the skills, tools
and shortcomings of the so-called common man, who is just around the
corner of obtaining power. Nobody dares to criticize him, least of all he
himself. Why? Because everybody wishes that he remain ignorant,
boasting, inclined to accept every kind of leadership but never his own
responsibility. I am deeply engrossed in mathematical and orgono­
metrical studies, but still, I am going to write this open letter to the
common man.
You did not tell me what you thought about the sociological articles
in Vol. II, No. 2/3. It is important for me to have your opinion.
:My name, and the subject of sex-economy and orgone biophysics,
have at last been taken up among the natural scientists officially in the
Who is Who of natural science "American Men of Science," and in the
World Almanac. First swallows! Now, of course, people who know
damn little about my work will trust me more. It is their shame and not
mine. What a world! What an education! What a structure! What a
civilization! Make a big noise, boast, make propaganda for yourself, and
you will amount to something even if you have to say nothing. Live on
the other hand quietly, do a good job, let things speak for themselves,
::-nd everybody thinks you are a charlatan. Again, what a world!
I wonder whether you know that I became the father of a third child.
It's a boy, called Ernest Peter Robert, a husky strong little fellow, 4 weeks

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