Record of a Friendship

(Ben Green) #1

II (^3) [ 19 44 ]
hope that you can take a rest soon from all the worries you have gone
through lately, and keep yourself going on the highest level possible.
Did you receive the note which appeared in the N ew York Times? It
was a rather funny mixture of admiration and poking fun at you out of
self -defense.
Don't you think that you should write something about this slogan
"Do as you like" which they apply to your school? As a matter of fact
your boys don't do as they like in the sense of our enemies, but they
do as they like in our sense, which is a completely different matter.
And they are made to do as they like in our sense, because your
authority can make them do as they like in our sense and not in theirs.
I really hope to get an opportunity soon to talk the matter of the
dangers of freedom over with you again. Do you think it would be pos­
sible to transfer your educational principles to a society of 130 million
people with about 30 million children? We should discuss such a prob­
lem right now. Please let me know what you think about it.
Did you hear anything from Sweden? Let me know if you did.
Summerhill School
Festiniog, North Wales
My dear Reich,

  • • •

May 22, 1944

Your telegram [Reich had wired condolences] and letter ar­
rived; the latter today. Thanks a lot for the former; how you knew I
can't guess, unless the Times goes to N.Y. by air. It was a relief in one
way, for life to her was a misery for three years, but I felt the parting
keenly. Made me feel so much alone. You can't work closely with a
woman for 24 years doing the same important work without feeling a
strong bond. There is a big question in this relationship to women. To
have the ideal love mate and ideal companionship and co-working in
one woman is almost a rarity. And in the days of Helga I had this con­
flict most strongly, for the real interest in the work wasn't there, so that
today I can meet H. without having any special interest now that
passion has died. I suppose it is that now I am 60, and the glands are
slowing up, companionship becomes more vital than other human re­
lationships. I find that I give more energy to work, whether cutting
grass or writing or dealing with kids. Ambition sinks into the back-

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